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its the 6th day and kanatos had enough now. he doesn't know why but he wants to be friends with her again he missed the one day they spent together. he had spoken to Sam about his plan and sam helped him get {Y/N} to talk to him. so the entire day he stayed in his room to pack all his teddys and toys into a bunch of bags. he then wrote out a letter apologising sincerely to {Y/N} and kept it on his desk until he was cleared to go through with his plan.
he and sam had given each other their numbers so they could keep in contact. 

kanato thought he'd add a cherry on top of his apology so he picked up a cook book and wanted to make his soon to be friend a cake of some kind. he couldn't really find one he thought would make the girl happy because he didn't really know what made her happiest.

TEDDY BOI: sam what does {Y/N} like most

GAY BOI: I'm not sure I can tell you.

TEDDY BOI: how the fuck am I going to make a cake for her then?!?

GAY BOI: look I think your putting too much into this. I know {Y/N}. tomorrow makes it a week since she started ignoring you so she'll cave in alright just step back and let her leave the house tonight and she'll be fine again.


everyone else has realized the difference in the girls lately.
yui has became a bitch  and {Y/N} has been distant. 
no one will say it but I know we all want them to go back to how they where before they started the second day in the house, especially me and ayato.
I hate that she is avoiding me. and ayato hates how yui has changed, hes had eyes for her since she arrived but didn't do shit about it apart from claim her.

I arrived at reijis office thing and knocked on the door, he allowed me to come in and I spoke straight away without looking at the siduation.

"reiji you need to let {Y/N} leave the house tonight" I closed the door behind me.

when I turned around again I saw reiji and {Y/N} having a fucking Mexican stand off, reiji had a scalpel and {Y/N} had a lit match held to one of his books.
{Y/N} looked at me curiously and reiji looked astonished.

" we are discussing that right now." reiji said as he glared back at {Y/N}

"I will vouch for her. I will be taken responcible for her actions while she is gone and I shall collect her when she must come back. now please draw back your scalpel and match."

reiji stepped back and put the scalpel back on the desk. when he did that {Y/N} blew the match out and threw the book to reiji. he caught it and placed it next to his weapon choice, he nodded at me and I left knowing that he was going to let her out and just needed to give her some ground rules.

later that day

I watched out of the window as I saw (Y/N) walk out of the front gate wearing a boys jacket that she probably got off of sam and some ripped genes. she had her school bag with her but it was a Saturday so why did she have it?

maybe she was meeting up with a classmate to study? nah she doesn't pay enough attention to know what she needs to study. 
maybe its the only bag she has? that seems more likely because I didn't really see the bags she brought with her. 
maybe when this is all over we can go shopping and buy her a new bag. I don't even mind paying for it.

its cool, she probably just wanted to go on a walk in town or something. yea that seems innocent. I doubt she'd be doing anything judgy.

shes not doing anything wrong. she's too nice for that.


smoke fills the air around the once calm god prayers building, that was now lit on fire. the flames dancing peacefully as they try to get higher than the smoke they produce. the sight brings goosebumps to my arms as I watch this towns church burn down to the not so holy ground.

I never knew how many churches where in the area till I went on google maps.

now that ive let out all of my negative emotions I realise that kanato did nothing wrong. im being stupid, its not his fault. he didn't know, technically its yui and my fault for not saying that I had an ability. I should apologise.

oh god ive ignored him for like a week, will he accept my apology?! 

oh god I gotta plan an apology.

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