Chapter 12: Rescuing Bystanders

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(The first part of the test ends with all of Class 1A passing and moving onto the next part of the test.)

Midoriya: [sighs] We really pulled it off, you guys.

(Y/N): We're such badasses!

(Mera tells the 101 who passed that they will undertake rescue exercises and save the bystanders who are trapped in these disaster sites. Mera also tells the students that they'll be scored on a point system. And that the test will begin in 10 minutes.)

(Y/N): I'm so hungry...

Kirishima: Here.

(Kirishima hands Y/N some food.)

(Y/N): Thanks, Kirishima.

Kirishima: No problem, bud. So are you worried about Kendo passing the exam?

(Y/N): Not at all. I believe in her with all my heart. Plus she'll be a way better pro then I'll ever be.

Kirishima: Don't sell yourself short, (Y/N). But supporting your girlfriend makes you so-

(Y/N): Manly?

Kirishima: Yeah!

(Shiketsu comes up to Class 1A & the hairy one apologizes to Bakugo for Shishikura's behavior & wants a good relationship between their schools.)

Todoroki: Hey. You with the collar. Did I offend you somehow?

(Y/N): Hm?

Inasa: Oh, no, I'm sorry. Did I hurt your feelings? Well, the thing is, son of Endeavor...

 Did I hurt your feelings? Well, the thing is, son of Endeavor

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Inasa: I just can't help but hate both of you. You've changed a little bit since the first time our paths crossed. But you definitely still have your father's eyes.

(Inasa walks to join his classmates.)

Midoriya: Todoroki...

(Y/N runs up to Inasa.)

(Y/N): Yo, Inasa.

Inasa: What can I do for you?

(Y/N): Apologize.

Inasa: Excuse me?

(Y/N): I said, apologize.

Inasa: You want me to apologize to the Son of Endea-

(Y/N places a giant hand on Inasa's shoulder.)

(Y/N): (annoyed) His name is Todoroki.

Inasa: Is that right?

(Inasa & Y/N stare each other down.)

(Before anything else can occur between Inasa & Y/N the second part of the test begins.)

Iida: Let's start by heading to the closest urban area. We'll work as a team as much as possible.

(Bakugo tries to go off on his own but Kaminari & Kirishima follow him.)

(Class 1A then finds a hurt "kid" who tells them all how to treat the injured bystanders. Class 1A then all go their separate ways to help different bystanders.)

HUC Man 23S: We need help here! My wife is injured.

(Y/N): Hold on! I'm coming up.

(Y/N gigantifies himself to reach the injured couple.)

(Y/N): What are your names?

HUC Man 23S: Lee, and my wife's name is Jasmine.

(Y/N): I'm Mt. Man and I'm here to rescue you.

(Y/N places the couple in the palms of hands & starts to carry them to a first aid station.)

(Y/N): So how long have you two been married?

HUC Man 23S' thoughts: He's good. He reassured us right away and now he's making conversation to keep us calm.

(Y/N places the couple at a first aid station.)

(Y/N): Okay, I'm off-

(A bunch of explosions occur.)

(Y/N): What's happening?!

(Gang Orca appears to be the one to have caused the explosions.)

Gang Orca: Tell me, wannabe heroes. Can you rescue people and fight at the same time?

(Some of Gang Orca's goons run off to cause more chaos.)

Gang Orca: Now

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Gang Orca: Now. How will you react? Will you fight or protect? Help or run away? What would a hero do?

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