Chapter 15: They Had What?!

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(All of Class 1A except for Y/N are in the common room enjoying each other's company.)

Uraraka: Do you think they're gonna let us participate in work studies?

Tsu: I hope so.

Mineta: Sero! Kaminari!

Kaminari: What?

Sero: Hm?

Mineta: You won't believe what I saw a couple days ago.

Kaminari: What did you see?

Sero: I swear if it's just another random hot chick-

Mineta: This is so much better! I've kept my mouth shut long enough for (Y/N)'s sake but I can't any longer!

Kaminari: (Y/N)?

Sero: What about him?

(The rest of Class 1A are now listening in on Mineta's conversation.)

Mineta: Are you two ready?

Kaminari & Sero: Yes!

Mineta: I saw Kendo leave (Y/N)'s room the morning after the Licensing Exam!

Kaminari: So?

Mineta: Do you know what that means?!

Kaminari: ...

Sero: ...

Mineta: (Y/N) and Kendo had sex!

Students: [gasps]

(Kaminari & Sero get in Mineta's face.)

Sero: Really?!

Kaminari: No way!

Iida: You will cease this lewd conversation this instant!

Yaoyorozu: Really, Mineta. To make something like this up-

Mineta: But I'm not! I swear on my mother's life!

Jiro: Seriously?

Midoriya: Mineta may be right.

Mina: Huh?!

Asui: Really, Midoriya?

Midoriya: That night I thought I saw Kendo leaving our dorm but I just thought I was just seeing things after Bakugo & I's fight.

(Class 1A starts to believe Mineta.)

Hagakure: *blush* Wow.

Yaoyorozu: To think that (Y/N) would do something so vulgar in our dorm...

Jiro: While we were asleep!

Tokoyami: I guess (Y/N) had enough energy to spare even after the Licensing Exam.

Kirishima: (Y/N)'s the man!

Bakugo: This conversation is so beneath me.

Todoroki's thoughts: Must we really be discussing this?

Iida: I'm shocked to think that not only (Y/N) but Kendo would do such an act!

Midoriya: I know that (Y/N) and Kendo are dating but I had no idea that they were at that stage in the relationship...

Uraraka's thoughts: I thought only adults could do that?

Tsu: (Y/N) is mature for his age but I didn't think he was this mature.

Ojiro: [chuckles] Why don't we ask him directly instead of drawing to conclusions?

(Y/N then enters the common room.)

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