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Billies pov:

Another year doing one of my fav things in the word. Teaching

This is going to be a bit different since i just moved to cali, i used to live in ny but after a couple things i was "obligated" to move, and since i was born in cali but moved to ny when i was 10, i decided to come back here since my parents are here too. Me, my brother and my parents moved from cali to ny when i was 10 and fin was 14, but when i was 19 and fin 23 my parents moved back to here, i stayed w fin but ig is time to come back

Maggie: BILLIE!-i heard my mom scream as i left the boarding area. I speeded my steps and hugged her tight-i missed you sm-she said hugging me reallyyyy tight

Billie: m-mom youre smashing me-i said w a little of difficulty and she let go of me but put both of her hands on my shoulders and after looking at me for a few seconds she pulled me into another-i missed you too-we pulled out and i hugged my dad as well

Maggie: youre thinner, i knew that this thing of becoming a vegetarian would make you loose weight-she said and i put my hand on my chest pretending to be offended

Billie: that helps a lot my self esteem

Maggie: thats not what i meant, you look great but please tell me you didnt become vegetarian bc know

Billie: no mom, i didnt, im better w that, can we now leave, im tired

Patrick: sure-my dad said getting my stuff as we started walking towards the car-you know you didnt have to bought a house right? You could've stayed w us

Billie: ik dad, but im a grow ass women now-i said throwing my hair to the back w a confident look at my face

Maggie: and apparently rich too-my mom said giggling

Billie: im not rich i just have a lot of money but i worked my ass off 7 days a week for that money, i deserve it

Maggie: you really do-my mom said smiling at me. We got inside the car and drove to my new building were i bought one of the apartments, it was kinda expensive but i could afford it so

Heres the deal, i finished high school when i was 17 and i already worked on a coffee shop since i was 15 during summer, w that money i paid for my music education college wich i graduated 4 years later, but while doing music education college i still had money my parents had for me on a bank acc wich was for my college, so i used that money to do pedagogy college wich also took me 4 years so i did both at the same time so by the time i was 22 i was able to work either on school or something related to music so i had lots of options but like i said before, i love teatching so i choose to teach music for kids. But during college i was still working, i worked at the summer and at the weekends during classes, for me the day had 30 hours. Oh i also worked this two last years as a teacher in ny and at the weekends i worked at a coffee shop and i still had the will my grandpa left for me when he died so i had plenty of money, i had enought money to live at least 10 years without working

Anyways, we got to my apartment wich had two suites, a guest bathroom, kitchen, living room, laundry and pantry so theres was enough room for me and in case someone else came here but for now i have no interest in that, so...

The apartment was already w furniture and decorations so the only thing i had to do was buy groceries and put all the stuff in my suitcase in the closet wich i would do today but i would do groceries tomorrow so i'll problably eat vegetarian pizza as dinner

Maggie: wow, is beautiful in here-my mom said as we got inside the apartment-can you believe she decorated everything from ny?-she said turning to my dad

Patrick: how?

Maggie: facetime-she made a pause while looking around-im gonna put your stuff in the closet-my mom said to me getting my suitcase

Billie: no mom, i got it

Maggie: why?

Billie: bc one, im not a kid anymore, two you taught me really good how to do it and still leave a bunch of room for other things i might buy in the future, three, youre old mom, ion want you breaking your backs and four, believe me, theres things youre not gonna want to see or worst touch it due to were they've been-i finished

Maggie: are you kidding me that you brought sexual toys?

Billie: mom, i never said that, and then you ask from who my dirty mind came from

Maggie: omg! Patrick we're leaving-she said getting her purse and pushing my dads arm towards the door-bye take care of yourself and call if you need anything

Billie: i will-i waved at my dad as they left and started to unpack my clothes

A/n: hiii

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