true blue¹⁰

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Brandons pov:

After leaving emma at her house, me and abigail got home, and abigail wont stop talking ab billie. Its cute tho

Brandon: okay hun, go take your shower cuz we still have to get stuff for tomorrow ready-i said and she nodded starting to leave but i stopped her-what are you eating for breakfast tomorrow?

Abigail: a toast w hot chocolate

Brandon: and lunch for school?

Abigail: i'll get a sandwich and the hot chocolate too, i'll heat in the schools microwave

Brandon: then im gonna do the sandwich while you take your shower-she nodded and left going to her room to get pjs. i used to take showers w them but stopped when they turned 5 i think, i just didnt want to be disrespectful even if they dont understand it yet. Wich ik Abigail doesnt cuz she asked to take showers w me after i stopped doing it

I did her sandwich and put it on the fridge for her lunch tomorrow and at that point she was out of her shower so i helped her choose an outfit for tomorrow and organize her schoolbag also for tomorrow but as we were doing that someone knocked on the door so i went to see who it was

Brandon: what?-i said when i saw who was at the door

Tani: i want my daughter

Brandon: point one, you have two daughters not just one and point two you know damn well i have their custody and you can only see them for a few hours, not come here now when shes getting ready to bed

Tani: do you think i give a fuck ab custody? Yeah i dont

Brandon: look tani, im really not trynna do the restraining order game so please, leave my property


Brandon: NO ITS NOT!-i screamed already getting mad-I WORKED MY ASS OFF TO BUY THIS HOUSE WHILE YOU DIDNT DO SHIT! AND REMIND ME IN WHOS NAME IS THE HOUSE?-i said-YEAH ME, SO AGAIN, leave my property before i call the police

Abigail: dad whats going on?-i heard abigail say while holding on my shorts pocket

Tani: you btch let that stupid teacher talk to me like that-she said pointing her finger at abigail and i immediately slapped her hand

Brandon: call any other name at my daughter and i'll beat the shit out of you, if you dont treat a kid like a kid why should i treat you like a woman?-she glanced at abigail before leaving. I looked down and saw that abigail was crying. I immediately picked her up holding her-its okay

Abigail: dad please dont go back to her please, you can marry any one, theres billie! Just please dont get back w her ion want her to keep hurting me

Brandon: hey its okay, no one is hurting you and if someone does you need to tell me so i can smash their face, plus the only women i need to be happy, is you, grandma, jade and aunt tyler but she doesnt need to know that-i heard her giggle while wipping her tears-now cmon, lets not let that ruin our day, lets finish your stuff for tomorrow so you can go to sleep-she nodded and i put her back at the floor, we finished organizing her things for tomorrow, she brushed her teeth and i put her on her bed-what story do you want today?

Abigail: idk, something ab aunt tyler

Brandon: uhh, ima tell you ab the day i found out she had a boyfriend when she was 13 and i almost beat the shit out of him-i said super excited. I tell jade and abigail a story ab my life or ab our family every day before sleep. Well, jade actually doesnt like it when i do it anymore, she stopped liking it when she was 5 cuz on her point of view, storys before bed its for babys and shes not a baby so she doesnt want it anymore so now abigail gets all the stories

Time skip to september 15, thursday

I woke up at 6:30am and as usual i made my bed, made breakfast and ate, woke up abigail and while she was doing her bed i brushed my teeth. She then ate breakfast while i finished doing her lunch since i started yesterday. Then she brushed her teeth and got ready for school and i left her at school as everyday

Brandon: bye baby, have a good day

Abigail: bye dad, i love you-she said waving while going inside the school. I went back to my car and drove to my job. I work as a manager in a hotel(a/n: yall need to read manager by oceanbil, its sooo good and their smuts got me💦💦)

Billies pov:

Today i was suddently super nervous cuz i noticed that saturday was approaching, i fcking invited him and idk what do. Like wth am i gonna cook? How am i gonna dress? Should i put on a dress or thats too much to be inside my house? But putting normal clothes is too simple, ion want him thinking that idc

I decided to call claudia and ask help

Call between bil and claudia:
Billie: hi love

Claudia: hey bil

Billie: watchu doing?

Claudia: taking some meat out of the fridge for lunch

Billie: girl its 7am, wth

Claudia: its 7am in la, not in ny you dumb

Billie: oh shit-i said giggling

Claudia: so, what do you want from my person?(a/n: yall that speak english, does "my person" makes sense to you guys? Cuz it makes so much sense in portuguese, i hope it does tho💀)

Billie: im kinda having a date on saturday and im freaking out cuz idk what to do

Claudia: uhhh, whos the lucky guy that is gonna get the taste of your so delicious pussy?

Billie: I CANT BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT-i gasped and started to laugh-WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE IS CLAUDIA?-i laughed more-I'VE BEEN GONE FOR NOT EVEN A WEEK AND FINNEAS ALREADY TOOK YOUR INNOCENCE AWAY?-we were both laughing cuz neither of us could believe she said that cuz normally i have this kind of convo w finneas, its like, we're each others bitch. But w claudia has always been pure love, we're each others lil baby. After all the laughing i finally stopped-okay, i just got to work, i'll call you later

Claudia: love you

Billie: love you-i said and hang up

A/n: im so anxious for you guys to see whats gonna happen in future queen, jeez lemme chile and go do my dinner cuz once im ✨starving✨

And once again my head hurts😔

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