best part²²

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3rd person pov:

Brandon: billie whats going on? Youre worring me

Billie: brandon i did something bad and i cannot involve you in it so please let me go-the elevator door opened and billie walked out going towards her car

Brandon: im not letting you go anywhere, doenst matter what you did, im here, talk to me

Billie: i cant

Brandon: so youre just gonna run away? Forever?

Billie: if thats what i need to do, then yes-she opened her baggage where she put her suitcase inside before closing it. She walked to the driver sit ready to go in but brandon closed the door again, sighly pushing her against the car

Brandon: talk. to. me.-he said-you did it didnt you?-he asked making billie look down and brandon let go of her-dammit billie-he said placing his hands over his head

Billie: it was an accident, i swear-she said starting to tear up

Brandon: where are you going?

Billie: remember alfie?-brandon nodded-hes an fbi agent, hes following me, hes not just the neighbor

Brandon: im not letting you go-

Billie: brandon-she cut him

Brandon: no! You didnt make me fall in love w you, wanting to marry you and having a hundred kids w you, to then leave!-he cut her this time

Billie: i cant stay here

Brandon: we're going to my place and youre gonna tell me what happened

Billie: brandon-

Brandon: you dont have a choice, im not letting you go-she sighed nodding as they got inside the car driving towards brandons house-start-he said as they sat at brandons bed

Billie: she killed my daughter-she sighed-i had a 5yo daughter, her name was ava, idk why drew did it, she was my bestfriend, i thrusted her w my life and she killed my daughter and i never found out why, i got home and my daughter was laying on the floor looking so lifeless-she sighed trying to hide her tears that wanted to come out-the day drew died, me and zoe, my other best friend, beat the shit out of her, we left her bleeding in an alley, she was bleeding and couldnt walk but she was alive-she looked down at her hands-1 hour later the police was at my door saying they found drew in the alley, dead, somebody shoot her in the head, my number was dialed on her phone, ready to call me. I didnt kill her but it was my fault

Brandon: you had a daughter?-he asked reaching for her hand to hold as billie nodded

Billie: she was my biggest inspiration to become a child teacher-she said as a tear rolled down her cheek

Brandon: come here-he said pushing her so she was closer to him, pulling her in his warm embrace-you could've told me-he said before kissing her head

Billie: i couldnt, its not something i was ready to talk ab-he simply nodded understanding-im sorry, for not telling you-she said pulling out of the "hug" they were in

Brandon: its okay, i got you, and youre not running away to anywhere, okay?-billie nodded looking down as brandon hold her chin up-promise

Billie: brandon-

Brandon: promise-he cut her

Billie: i promise-she said cracking a smile

Brandon: now cmon lets sleep, tomorrow we can think on something okay?-she nodded getting her shoes off before they both laid on his bed ready to sleep-i love you dealer

Billie: i love you too adams

Brandon woke up w the feeling of a too empty bed. Looking to his side he saw that billie wasnt in the bed w him. He stood up going towards the bathroom, kitchen, living room and the girls room looking for her but she wasnt anywhere to be seen. He then went back to his room noticing a paper on one of his bedside tables

"Ik i promised to stay but i refuse to ruin another life of someone i love.

Please tell abigail and emma that i'll miss them sm.

And please take care of yourself, im sure you'll find your true love. Im sure you'll find a woman that is gonna make you believe that not all of us are fucked up.

I love you more than i could ever describe.

Forever your dealer, xxx"

A/n: my head hurts and i think im gonna start my period cuz my tummy hurts too, send help

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