Chapter 2 - Socks

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"Dipshit. Get up." Someone jumps on me.

"Get the hell off of me before I break your face." I mumble still half asleep.

"No can do, bubble boo." Alden says, still laying on me.

"Lucifer. What the hell do you eat?" I wriggle under him partially awake.

"I swear, you bitch, if you don't get off of me I will hurt you." I say pushing him on the ground, where he lands with a loud thud.

"You awake LeLe?" He mocks me with my nickname from when the twins were little. They couldn't pronounce my first or middle name, Lilac, so they abbreviated my middle one.

"Fuck you." I say.

"Nah, I don't swing that way." I scowl at him.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." I give one more grunt of protest before sliding out of my bed onto the floor. I walk into my bathroom before brushing my teeth and putting my hair in a bun. I then walk into my siblings' rooms and wake each of them up. I walk back into my room to get ready and see Alden sprawled on my bed.

"Bitchass, what have I done to deserve your presence?" I question walking to my closet.

"Eh, I'm staying here for a while." He says in a nonchalant tone. I pick out some black sweats, a peach colored shirt with flowers, and my gray socks.

"Okay, you staying in here or in the guest room?" I ask, starting to change.

"Is that even a question. Here. Duh." He rolls his eyes.

"Of course, Lucifer. Are you bringing that disgusting fur ball of yours?" I finish changing and turn to him for approval, he nods and closes his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm bringing Socks. He also isn't disgusting, he's really cool honestly." He shakes his head. We call him Socks because of his white paws that contrast with his black and brown fur.

"He's a mean and judgmental little fucker. Not to mention a cat. CiCi doesn't like him either and if CiCi doesn't like him, it's an automatic no." I take my hair out of the bun and fix it. He shakes his head with amusement. He's never understood my hatred for his cat. The cat doesn't like me and I don't like him, the scars can prove it.

"Where's your jean jacket?" I question him. He points to my closet. I grab it and put it on.

"So you gonna change or go to school like that." I tease him. He shrugged.

"Eh, you're right. Let's go." I walk out of my room with Alden trailing behind me.

"Hola perras." I watch into the kitchen where dad is making pancakes.

"Papá." I give my dad a kiss on the cheek.

"Where's Alec?" I ask seeing everyone but him.

"He already left. Something about class starting earlier today." Dad waves his hand in the air. I shrug.

"So, what's everyone's plans for today?" Dad asks putting the food in the plates. I hop on the counter and start eating.

"I plan to avoid assholes at school. As always." I groan.

"I really don't understand why you are so set on hating everyone." Rowen says from her seat.

"I hate everyone because they're jerks." I scowl at her.

"Elaborate." She looks confused.

"They're all assholes who think it's amazing to make fun of and belittle people and I don't like that. I can be rude. Especially to them. But I don't make fun of people for what they can't control. It's ridiculous." Everyone looks a little surprised at my outburst.

"I get it now." Rowen is the first to speak. I nod at her and finish my breakfast. I grab three bags of chips, a couple of candy bars, and a Capri Sun to put in my bag for today.

"Alden. Leaving. Now." I turn and walk to the front door. I put my converses on and grab the keys to Cherry. I walk out the door not caring if Alden is following or not. I get in and start the truck.

"How could you leave me like that. I didn't even have my shoes on yet." I roll me eyes.

"Neither did I but look at me." He huffs and opens his mouth to reply but I cut him off with a sharp look. I don't mean to be rude but I am already annoyed. Just thinking about the assholes at school and the shit they're gonna put me through makes me peeved. So I guess I'm pre-annoyed if that's even a thing. Yeah, weird. I know. We pull up in front of the school and I park Cherry in my normal spot.

"Out." I tell Alden. I step out off the truck and walk over to his side. We start to the front when Ava and Wyatt, our other friends, come to our sides.

"Tyler!" Ava shouts and engulfs me in a big hug. People stare, still a little shocked that I'm letting a person touch me, even though this has been the routine for a while now. I mean, yeah I can be rude and yeah I get into fights. But like I'm actually pretty nice to people, especially my friends. I still don't understand how people can think that I'm some cold, heartless bitch.

"Hey Avs. What's up Wyatt." I smile at them. Ava is fairly popular and really bubbly, it can be annoying but she's still one of my best friends. Wyatt has that whole 'bad boy' persona and can be a bit vulgar. We walk into the school and are immediately met with 'hellos' to Ava and 'what's up bros' to Alden. I'm known here because of Alec being some type of legend. No one really approaches me because of the reputation I've built for myself. Once we reach our lockers, Alden turns to us with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"We're skipping third and having some fun in your uncles office." He says.

"Alright. We have to hurry though. He's only out of there for like twenty minutes. I honestly don't get why you do it. I understand he's the principle and all but he doesn't get mad or anything so what's the point?" I ask. Alden shrugs.

"It's fun." That, I can agree with. One time we covered his office in pictures of us and he couldn't get it off for a week. It was hilarious. Of course he didn't really care, but it was still funny. We keep walking down the hall to our lockers. When we get to them, I look to my right and see The Populars coming. I audibly sigh. Someones going to get hurt.

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