Chapter 5 - Dinner

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Okay, have I mentioned that my friends are assholes? Because they really are. Ava and Wyatt went to a party together, I mean I'm glad the ship has started sailing but still, and Alden is doing whatever the fuck Alden does on Saturdays. I honestly don't understand what that kid does sometimes. I'm broken out of my thoughts by a knock at the door.

"Hey Hermosa, we're having dinner with the neighbors in a little so come down." My dad says, jerking his head in a 'come on' motion. I sigh and get off my bean bag.

"Also get your siblings for me." He tells me before going down the stairs. I walk over to Alden's door first.

"Hey fat ass, we're having guests tonight." I pound on his door. I walk over to Rowen's door next.

"Hey Bubs, dinner with guests." I open her door. She nods and I walk over to Jonas's door.

"Little shit, dinner, guests, downstairs, now." I leave his door open and run down the stairs. The scent of my dad's pasta filling my nose. I scan the figures draped across our couch and see Issac, that same little girl from the store, a woman that looks strikingly similar to the girl, and a man extremely similar to Issac. My siblings come down shortly and stand next to me.

"Kelly, George, meet my children. Alden, Tyler, Jonas, and Rowen. Kids, these are the Matthews. Kelly, George, Issac, and Nicolette." Dad points to us. As they look us over instead of seeing disgust or judgment at me and Alden's appearances, I don't really see anything. It's kinda unnerving. People tend to judge us for our tattoos and piercings.

"Well, why don't you kids go hang out upstairs?" My dad suggests. We all nod and make our way to the stairs.

"Who's room?" I ask my siblings. They all simultaneously point to me and I chuckle.

"Any of you. And I mean any of you," I give a pointed glance at Issac, "Mess up anything in there, I will hurt you." I threaten them as I open the door to my room. My room has a lot of valuable items that are irreplaceable. My room has all grey walls, just like the rest of the house, a beanbag chair, lilac sheets, my dresser, and a desk. I walk in and sit in my desk chair and watch everyone file in. The little girl looks bored so I unlock my phone and hand it to her. Her face lights up and I smile at her. Alden walks over to my my dresser, where I keep all my valuable stuff.

This bitch better not.

"Alden." I say in a warning tone. He just looks at my before slowly reaching out taking one of my rings, that used to be my mom's, and messing with it.

This. Bitch.

"I'm gonna fu- freaking murder you." I say in am overly calm voice, watching my language due to the child in the room. I gesture to Issac to cover Nicolette's ears I chase after Alden who ran out of the room, my ring forgotten.

"I understand you think it's cool but I've told you multiple fucking times not to touch that." I shout after him, running down the stairs.

"No, you stingy little fuck head. Let me just look at it." He shouts jumping over the couch.

"You know what, fine. I'll let you look at it but if you screw it up in any way shape or form, you'll have to sleep with one fucking eye open." I turn to the guests and give them a sheepish smile. They look amused by our little fight. Dad sighs, this isn't the first time something like this has happened, and shoots us a look. We immediately scramble back into the room and shut the door. Issac and Nicolette are just kinda looking at us weird.

"What?" I snap. Issac just chuckles and shakes his head.

I look around my room and see that Nicolette put my phone on my nightstand next to my sketchbook.

"Dinner!" Dad shouts, slightly scaring me. I jump on Alden's back and pat his shoulder.

"Giddy up horsy." I point forward. Alden huffs before walking out of my room and to the dining room.

We all sit down in our seats and dad serves us.

"So, Tyler, how's school?" Kelly asks me. I stop stuffing my face and look at her.

"Depends on what part you're asking about. The students, classes, teachers, or grades?" I say, lacing my fingers together.

"All of it." She gestures with her hand.

"Ok well, a lot of the people are bullies and I don't like them-" I start but Rowen cuts me off.

"Aren't you a bully though?" Wrong.

"No, I'm mean to the people that deserve it." She nods.

"Back to what I was saying before, some students are bullies and I don't like them. The classes are ok, AP History and Art are my personal favorites. It depends on which teachers it is. Ms. Birch is my least favorite and Mr. Cane is my favorite. My grades are usually good, A's, B's, and the occasional C." I inform her.

We continue our night like this, lots of questions being asked, until the Matthews have to leave. I tell them goodbye and walk up to my room, taking out my sketch book and begin to draw.

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