Prologue ~ Hayato and April

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"Hello my name is April."
"This is my story about how me and my friend Hayato found this mysterious book in a forest and how a big adventure and future lied before us!"
"Let's just start with how we became friends." Said Hayato.
"Oh yea!" Said April.


Third Person POV:
A beautiful young girl sat down at a tree.
She put her head down and started to cry.
In another area of that place another young girl heard the cries.
She followed the cries and found the girl.
The crying girl's name was Hayato.
And the other girl's name was April.
They started to talk and Hayato stopped crying.
They felt a connection with each other and became the bestest of friends....


"And that's how we became friends!" Explained April.
"Yep.." said Hayato.

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