Chapter 1 ~ The Forest

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Last Time on The Book...

And that's how we became friends!" Explained April.
"Yep.." said Hayato.


"Ok time to tell the story of how we found the book!" Said April.
"I'll do the honors." Offered Hayato.
"That'll be great!" Said April.


"Remember the time when we first met each other?" Asked Hayato.
"Of course I do silly!" Said April.
"Well.. I've been thinking lately.." started Hayato.
"Yes Hayato..?" Said April slowly.
"I've been thinking that we should go back to that forest to y'know, check on it again? It's been a few years since we've been to that forest." Said Hayato.
"I think that's a wonderful idea!" Exclaimed April.
Hayato smiled and pulled on April's wrist.
"Let's go then!" She said excitedly.


"This is where we first met.." said April as they walked towards the tree they met at.
"Wait.." said Hayato pointing to a strange book.
"Huh? What's that doing here?" Asked April.
"I don't know.." answered Hayato.
Hayato then walked towards the book and picked it up.
The pages then began to.. glow..?

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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