Some say with every single decision that you make, whether conscious or unconscious, a new universe is born.
What a miracle of links of thoughts and chains of actions led us to this day; to have your arms wrapped around me, holding me tight, keeping me warm like the rays of summer sunshine through your window. "Deja vu", you say, "this happened before". I look at you and smile.
Perhaps it did. Perhaps not in this world. Our Earth is full of love and hate and full of joy and sadness, excessing in all opposites. In life you are a winner and a looser at all times. Our one hand full of laughter, yet, the other is all sadness. In order to take, one must give. And i would give and give eternally to always end up in your embrace.
35,000 thoughts a day... I wonder how many decisions are made. A billion worlds colliding at the speed of a second, yet here we are again as one. You and I are stars. Your hand touching mine, my eyes meeting yours, our lips against each other and we are on fire, lighting up the cosmos. A deja vu... I'll choose us every time.
Horror"Now, you are nothing but a mere shadow of what you once were. You have become one with my inner demons. If you look me in the eyes perhaps you'll see them, and you might just see yourself. Hidden deep in the corners of my soul, bathing in fire."