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Alexa, Katie, and I were sitting in Wired filling out Katies job applications.

"You're okay handling hot metals, right?" I ask Katie.

"I once took a spoon out of the dishwasher mid-cycle. So, yes." Katie tells me.

"Alright. Well, then let's make this happen. We are gonna visualize you getting a job." Alexa said, scooting around so she was facing Katie. "I learned this in my support group. Close your eyes. Picture the perfect job." As Alexa said that Barry put a help wanted sign in the window. "Imagine yourself getting hired. See yourself working there. Open your eyes." When they opened their eyes the first thing they noticed was the sign.

"How did you do that?" Katie asks. I roll my eyes, smiling softly.

"I don't know."

"How perfect would this be?" Katie asks us.

"So perfect." I replied.

"Oh! Um, Barry...Mr.Barry. I am officially applying for the job."

"Okay. Write your name and number on here." Barry said, handing Katie a piece of paper or a napkin. I honestly don't know.

"Awesome. Now, I'll be in touch...never." He says, throwing the paper/napkin behind him.

"No, I'm serious. Please. Pretty please."

"Yeah, give her a chance." Alexa says.

"Yeah, please! I'm really great."

"You'll love her. Everyone loves her. She's the best." I say this time.

"If I say yes will you stop talking?" Barry asks. We all nodded yes. "Friday. Five O'clock. Come in for an interview."

Katie walks back over to me and Alexa. Alexa had her eyes closed when Katie took a seat.

"What are you doing?" Katie asks.

"Visualizing you giving me your cookie." Alexa responded. With her eyes closed she felt around the table for the cookie. Katie grabbed a piece of cookie before Alexa could grab the whole thing. Alexa grabbed the cookie and put it in front of her before opening her eyes. "It worked!"

Me, Katie, and Alexa walked up to Dylan at his locker.

"Hey!" Alexa greeted.

"Hey!" Dylan said back. Alexa noticed her picture in his locker.


"Nope." Dylan said, trying to close his locker. Alexa grabbed the door so he couldn't close it.

"Is that the picture you took yesterday? How often do you change these out?"

"I don't know. Not that often. Probably, like, every...single...day."

"Well, it's super dorky and super cute." After Alexa said that Gwenny walked out of home ec with food on her shirt. She was obviously angry.

"Strawberries! Brand new shirt! Ugh another Mendoza. What did I ever do to deserve being stuck with your brother as my cooking class partner?" Gwenny asked.

"Well, a lot of not so great things. You call people names." Alexa said.

"You gossip." Katie said.

"You're a snob." I said.

"I saw you yell at that puppy once--"

"Everyday, pretends to cut his thumb off, then spray something right across the room. Not some days, not once in a while. Every... day. Jerks! This is ridiculous!" Gwenny stormed away from us.

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞  - 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐳𝐚 ✔ [Being Edited]Where stories live. Discover now