One month (beta version 1)

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Tanaka woke up to his alarm blaring, he checked the time 05:00, for a while, Tanaka just laid there in his bed staring at the ceiling not being able to find the strength to get up, after what was about 10 minutes Tanaka got up and dressed into his school uniform and put his gym clothes into his sports bag together with his water bottle and protein bars. He exited his room as quietly as possible as not to wake his parents, he entered the kitchen and opened the fridge and took out his 3 pre-prepared bento boxes and put them in his bag as he put his shoes on and started out the door to the closest bus stop.

Tanaka walked slowly blasting one of his favorite SID songs from his playlist with a bunch of rock songs (mainly the ones he found out about through watching the OP and ED's of anime, and some Skillet and Linkin Park songs as well... and maybe he had a few Set It Off songs in there somewhere)

'One month' Tanaka thought. 'That's only four weeks which is about 30 days I-I can survive that long, right? RIGHT?'

None of Tanaka's teammates could have him over, so Tanaka was forced to stay at his parents' house, not his, his parents' because that was what it was, his parents' house, with the bare walls in "his" empty room that only had drawers and his closet with a bedside table. Because Tanaka's home was his sister's place. Yeah he had to stay with his parents and he had to wake up 30 minutes earlier to catch the bus, well not exactly, he woke up 30 minutes earlier to avoid his parents because they worked early in the morning and usually he woke up at 05:30 so that he could take it easy and not stress while walking to morning practice that started at 06:30 but now he woke up at 05:00 in the morning so that he could be out the house by 05:20. It was a 5 to 20-minute bus ride from his parents' house depending on the bus. If he took bus 7 he would be at the stop 2 stations down from Karasuno in 5 minutes and then have to walk for about 10-20 minutes depending on the weather and how tired he was. But if he took bus 11 it would take him to the stop right in front of the school but it would take 15 minutes, the only plus was that he had to walk less. So he had a lot of options, there is a total of 6 buses that stop at or close by Karasuno high excluding the reserve buses and every single one of them varying in time to get there and how close to the school the stop was, two of the buses stopped right in front of the school one stopped a station past and one a stopped a station down the last two stopped two stations down.

Tanaka sighed as he sat down in a seat by the window he had taken one of the reserve busses which was a 35-minute ride, 'maybe I should start biking like Hinata does it would be so much easier than taking the bus' Tanaka thought as he looked out the window. He looked at his reflection, the bruise on his left cheek was a tad bit darker than it had been last night but it was to be expected, his father had hit him after all... He had talked back at his father for not inviting Saeko to family dinner next weekend. His father had punched him without warning pretty hard, which didn't surprise Tanaka in the slightest but was unappreciated nonetheless. 'I could always say that I started a street fight by the grocery store again, I know my teammates will believe that. Or at least I hope that they will' Tanaka thought as he touched his cheek lightly.

It was currently 05:35 he would arrive at 06:10 so it wouldn't raise any suspicions and the others wouldn't ask questions, well they would but not for Tanaka's arrival time which they probably would ask some other day.

Tanaka was lost in thought, breakfast bento lay forgotten in his schoolbag and before he knew it

"Next stop, Karasuno High" Tanaka jumped before he pressed the STOP button and stood up. The doors opened and Tanaka stepped out of the bus he looked up and almost crashed into someone.

"OH! sorry sir I wasn't- Tanaka? Sorry... hehe, I was texting my mom so I wasn't looking where I was going" Ennoshita placed his hand behind his head rubbing his hand through brown locks, 'His hair has gotten longer' Tanaka notes as he looks at Ennoshita surprised. "I'm happy I didn't end up crashing into you and send you to the ground-OH GOD TANAKA WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE!?" Ennoshita had finally taken a good look at Tanaka and was now staring and pointing at the bruise on Tanaka's cheek.

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