Chapter 1

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Olivia's P.O.V

" Princess Olivia Isabel Rodrigo, future queen, and leader of our country!" I heard as I was entering a group of people. The room surrounded by royals of all kinds, I walked down the steps slowly, not missing a single step. As I got to the bottom of the steps everyone clapped for me.

The ball of the century, the one where I might fall in love or something in that type of way. I had to dance with every charming bachelor in the kingdom, well Royal bachelors, since this is not an open ball. No non-royals allowed, it is prohibited to even be on this property, security guards are surrounded by the inside and outside greeting each guest as we speak.

" Madam May I have this dance?" The Prince of Spain Nathan Hernandez said as he bowed before me, and offered his hand, " Yes you may!" I said as I chassé, a lady like why to slightly bow in acceptance just in an elegant manner. He took me to the dance floor, and held me close, it was a walts/tango. It reminded me more of a waltz, you know just a little one, two, maybe a spin.

" So are you ready to find your future Husband?" He said and I looked around and then back at him, " Not really, and I thought you are also one of the guys I'm destin to marry, since this is an arranged marriage?" I said sort of confused by his question. " I am, but we both know we are more like siblings than husband and wife, we have known each other since we were in diapers."

He said and smiled slightly, and it made me giggle. " Right!" I said, we talked until the next guy danced with me, after I had danced with every royal in the room. I was by myself in the middle of the floor, that's when a gentleman just swooped in literally, slide on his knees and stop up, and held me close, and dipped me, as guards ran by, " GET HIM!" They said running past everyone. " Who are they looking for?" I asked as he brought me back to my standing position, " Um, Me!" He said and I raised my eyebrow, and continued dancing with him.

" My pardon, and you may be?" I asked extremely curious, and he smiled his charming smile, " Joshua Taylor Bassett, and you are?!"he said kind and confidently, " Princess Olivia Isabel Rodrigo!" I said and smiled, and he was frozen inside, " I'm sorry, your Highness, I didn't mean!" He said not knowing what to say or do. I took his hand and went to my room away from everyone and so that we could speak. " Um excuse me, but why are we in here?" He asked me, I shut the doors, " Well it's the only place silent enough we can talk in this palace." I said and sat on the couch.

" So you HAVE to find a husband?" He said looking around my room, or suite in other words. " Sadly yes, it's an arranged marriage, it sucks, but I have to be married to take care of the kingdom." I said and he looked at the books I had on my book shelf. " You live in The City Of Love! You know Paris!" He said and looked over his shoulder at me.

" Yeah I know, but when you are a princess everything is scheduled and your whole life is already planned out before you are even born." I said and put my head down, and he walked over towards me and sat on the coffee table in front of me and tilted my chin up with his thumb, " Look I may not be Royalty, but no princess should be forced through life and never have their head down, because your tiara might fall." He said and I sighed.

" I wish it was that easy, what am I saying your a low life average villager." I said and he shook his head, " Well that hurt! But besides you looking down on me from where I come from, I want you to know two things I think every princess should know, but are never told." He said and I looked at him as he stood up and went and walked back and forth behind the couch.

" ONE..... Everybody in this world has come from NOTHING..... Zero Dollars of Money, they had to work to become where you are now Sweetheart....... TWO....... Follow your heart and go for the guy that makes YOU happy and yourself...... Not who everyone wants you to marry or be with to become Queen..... because if you do, you won't be happy in your life and your whole kingdom will come crumbling down as you know it, and you will be bankrupt as you know it...... So please take those encouraging words and lead this country and your life in the right path Liv..... I mean Princess Olivia!" He said and I turned to look at him.

"I haven't been told that ever, um thank you, also I haven't been called Liv since I was a little girl, before all this became my responsibility, it's nice to know someone has a mind, other than mine." I said and he smiled, " Don't be too hard on yourself, you will figure this all out, it just takes a lot of time." He said and I smiled at him.

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