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" what the fuck just happened " Andrea said dragging her bag on the floor

we were still pretty jumpy from the situation 30minutes ago , well who wouldn't ?

my phone buzzed in my back pocket , someone was calling me . but why would someone call me


i stared at the picture flashing on the screen of us few months ago in a park . he gave me a piggyback ride and we ran around the park like that laughing our asses off . all the moms and kids stared at us like we escaped the asylum or something .

"aren't you going to answer it ? " Jenn asked snapping me out of my thoughts while she was trying to get her converse off her feet

i shook my head and muted my phone throwing it in my bag of clothes "nope" i said popping the 'p'

"why?" Andrea asked then afterwards mouthed 'Cameron?'

i nodded sighing " yep "

" you guys broke up?" Jenn asked finally getting one shoe off and then threw it somewhere

" yeah " i bit my lip keeping in the sobs and tears that were trying to escape

i ended up crying and babbling all about it to Jenn and Andrea who listened carefully while rubbing my back and hugging me then afterwards we ate so much ice cream and pizza that we weren't able to get up from the bed anymore

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Cameron's Pov
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" hey its Skylar , I'm busy right now so I'll call-" i threw my phone on the wall and placed my hand on the both sides of my face while pacing around my room

my face was probably red from anger and frustration , why won't she answer?!

" hey bro-what the fuck?"

i turned around seeing Nash with a confused expression on his face " what the hell happened to you "

" fuck you Nash " i growled before grabbing my now half broken phone from the floor and stormed out of our apartment , i ran to Skylar's home which was pitch black inside but i didn't care .

i knocked on the door , i actually punched the door once before screaming " SKYLAR "


nothing , so i marched under her balcony and climbed up the tree and jumped on the balcony

i pressed my face close to the window trying to see if there's anyone but i couldn't see a thing

" SKYLAR" i tried to rip the door open but she had locked it

"goddammit " i said and punched my fist on the brick wall , blood now dripping from my knuckles but i didn't care

i dialed her number again hoping that she would answer this time



"SKYLAR WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" i screamed to the phone probably waking up all the neighbors but i didn't care

"..." all i could hear was heavy breathing that clearly wasn't Skylar

" who is this " i spat in anger

" would you like to join me ?" i heard a familiar voice say

" to do what?" i had now calmed down a little bit so people wouldn't think I'm a maniac

" meet me at my house " then the line went dead .




I'm getting excited sorry

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