thirteen - good bye

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" Like you haven't ever " my sister rolled her eyes offering me a drag

" no , what the fuck "

" don't bullshit me sister " Raquel rolled her eyes again blowing out the smoke from her nostrils as she said " everyone knows "

"what do you mean?" i questioned really confused and sat on a huge rock on the ground

"I'm just messing with you " she laughed " i know i shouldn't , since you're sick but its fun "

i rolled my eyes " I'm not sick , I'm completely healthy " what is she talking about ? I'm not even close to sick .

" go to play with your imagination friends " She said in sarcastic excitement jumping off the table in our backyard then entered our house trough the backdoor

imagination friends , sure . i used to have them when I was little, they were called Susie and Amanda they both were unicorns that always magically baked me cakes .

i smiled at the memory of little 4 year old sky and went inside as well being greeted Raquel who was eating Nutella with a spoon "wanna visit the graves "

" graves ? who's graves are we visiting " i asked following Raquel upstairs but she didn't answer to the question

"fine don't tell me" i scoffed entering my room to change clothes since we are going to the graveyard .

as I was tying my converse Raquel stormed in my room opening my drawer taking a jar filled with white pills "you haven't been taking your medication !"

" what , what are those ! "

" your pills that you should have been taking !" she screamed " gosh , lets just go " and with that she was already out of the room so i had to hurry up

i ran down the stairs to Raquel's car and we were already at the graveyard in 10 minutes .

we walked up the path that lead to the newest part , there was a ton of people everywhere . Raquel didn't seem to care about them, she just walked like they weren't even there . rude .

there was an old lady crying probably on her husbands grave putting down flowers on a little plastic case type of thing , there was an old man in a suit looking sadly at the woman .

i gave the man a sympathetic smile and he seemed surprised and approached me , " hello young lady , my name is Larry Davis and i was wondering if you would tell that beautiful crying woman there that there is no need to be sad , her husband loves her and he is in a good place so she doesn't have to worry " he kindly asked smiling sadly and i could see he was hurting .

" yeah of course " i smiled and went over the woman " hey " i tapped her shoulder to get her attention , she sniffled and looked at me tears in her eyes " hello child " she tried to smile but ended up sobbing " I'm sorry my husband just passed away and ... "

"it's okay i understand , thats why I'm here " i smiled kindly kneeling down on her lever . " your husband loves you and really wants you to be happy , it's hurting him to see you this sad when he is in a good place and you don't have to worry . he also told me to tell you that you are really beautiful woman , which is very true "

" w-who told you that ?" she stuttered wiping her tears away from her face

" Larry Davis " she then hugged me thanking a million times saying that i was a gift from the god and she even told me she'd pray for me and stuff

" it's fine really " i smiled and gave her one last hug " stay strong "

i walked up the path trying to catch up with Raquel but couldn't because Cameron was now walking beside me

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