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April 2nd, 2175

F Izuku: "Well.....to get one thing out of the way. Todoroki lies about yesterday."

Kirishima: "Todoroki did?"

F Izuku: "You see....Todoroki, went to go meet a girl. He cheated on me, and I was suppose to find out yesterday."

Tsuyu: "So in other words, you and Todoroki were suppose to break up yesterday?"

F Izuku: "Yeah...."

Bakugou: "How do you and me end up together though!?"

Everyone turned to face me.

Bakugou: "Um....well....JUST HURRY UP AND EXPLAIN!"

F Izuku: "Well, I was pretty heartbroken so....uh...."

We could all see him turn red as a cherry.

Bakugou: "Just spit it out nerd."

F Izuku: "I mean it's kind of personal..."

Bakugou: "What did we fuck or something?"

He looked down and turned an ever deeper shade of red.

F Izuku: "Yeah basically...."

I could then feel myself turn the exact same shade of red. Before anything else happened though...

Uraraka: "To. Do. Ro. Ki. You're. Dead."

We could all feel the chills coming from her.

F Izuku: "Uraraka, there's no need to get worked up about this. It'll eventually happen anyway. Well, more like already happened."

Uraraka: "Fine. You're safe, for now. Todoroki."

F Izuku: "Anyway.....you guys should turn in already. School is tomorrow."

3rd person
Everyone nodded and started dismissing themselves. Leaving only Todoroki, Bakugou and future Izuku in the common area.

Todoroki: "So....Izu—"

F Izuku: "It's Midoriya for you."

Todoroki: "Midoriya....is there anything between us anymore?"

F Izuku: "You honestly think we have a relationship? Well, hate to burst your bubble, but no. The only reason I ever see you now is because you come by our house and try to 'win me back'."

Bakugou: "Wait....our house?"

F Izuku: "Look, I would love to tell you everything. But, if I do that who knows what will happen. We don't know much about the quirk so I don't know if you'll remember or not."

Todoroki: "Just tell us. I...."

F Izuku: "I might tell Kacchan but Todoroki, I really cant tell you more. I know that you're starting to regret cheating on me. If I tell you more, it could change the future."

F Izuku stood up and began to walk away. He stopped to state one thing.

F Izuku: "I love the future, the life I have now, I wouldn't want it to change."

He then walked off to his dorm.

Todoroki: "I could.....just not....break up with Izu."

Bakugou: "What shit are talking about icy hot."

Todoroki: "I know that Izu trusts me with all his heart."

He began to smirk, realizing the power he had over Izuku.

Bakugou: "Hey! That doesn't mean you can mess with his feelings. You are his first love......don't ruin it."

Todoroki simply stared at ash blonde.

Todoroki: "So lets just keep it at 'I was his only love'."


Todoroki: "Exactly. If I mean so much to him, let stay with him, forever."

Bakugou: "You're going to hurt him like that! He loves being with me!"

Todoroki: "Are you sure about that? Sounds like you took advantage of his feelings."

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