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"What the fuck? I can't believe we did that." Ellie said as Joel let go of the door handle. "Stop." Joel said. You can tell he's taking this harder then anyone. I can understand why. "We just left her to die." 

"Ellie!" I yelled. "Right now is a great time to shut the fuck up. Just stay close and move." Ellie was silent for a while after that. We made our way up the stairs and heard the multiple gun shots and grunts of the men. "Just keep pushing forward." Joel said and we did as told. 

"Target neutralized. She took out two of my men. Copy that." We came up to the men and saw Tess, dead. "You, take out the door. You, with me." The man in charge ordered. "Oh my god. Tess..." 

"Just keep going." I said as I lightly pushed Ellie to be in front of me as I kept an eye behind us. We jumped into another room that was on a floor below us. Joel picked up a rifle that was on top of a dead body. "They're escaping into the hall! Go around!" Someone yelled. "Joel." Ellie called out. "I got this. Just stay close to (Y/n)." 


"That was a close one." Ellie said as we made our way down the stairs. "What're doing? Joel. How're we gonna get outta here?"  Ellie asked when we were off the stairs and in another room. "They have to come through here. Comb the area." Someone said in the distance. "Alright. We're gonna go through that hall." 

"Stay down. I don't know how many more there are." We made our way pass more of the men. "They still haven't found the last three." 

"I heard two of 'em are kids."

"Does it matter? They took out a bunch of our guys." 

"Jesus. Well hey, after this whole Firefly bullshit will be behind us." 

So they think that we are Fireflies?

"Amen to that brother." 

Their conversation stopped and they continued their search for us. "Joel. There's the exit." I called out. "I see it." We got out safely and made our way to the train station entrance. "They're going into the subway! Stop 'em!" 

"Shit. They're following us." Ellie ran forward as Joel and I followed. "Run down there, go get 'em!" "Goddammit." We started running as they shot at us. We came across some spores and we put on our gas masks. "Get down." Ellie pulled Joel and I down to her to hide. "No target. I repeat no target." 

"There's a soldier over there." Ellie said as she breathed heavily from the running. "Understood. Hold your position and wait for reinforcements." 

"How the hell are you breathin' in this stuff?" Joel asked as we looked at Ellie, who didn't have a mask on. "I wasn't lying to you." She said. Now we had no choice but to believe her words. "Let's go." I said and led the way. We sneaked our way around them and came across some water. "Hey, uh, I can't swim." Ellie mentioned as Joel jumped into the water.

"We'll figure something out." I said as I waited with Ellie as Joel went to find something. I didn't personally choose to stay behind, I just didn't feel like getting wet at the moment. "Um, let's go this way." I said and led her on top of the trains that were there and jumped to where Joel was. He looked around some more and found a some wood Ellie can get on. "Get on." Joel said.

"Really?" At first she seemed to not trust Joel's idea but she did it none the less. Joel pushed her to the other side and I jumped into the water. Ellie found a ladder and pushed it into the water for us to climb up on. We walked further into the station and came up to an exit. We got out and I immediately pulled off my mask. Joel sat down on a rock and I leaned against a cement wall.

"Hey, look, um... about Tess... I don't even know what to-" Ellie tried to come up with something to say but was stopped by Joel. "Here's how this thing's gonna play out. You don't bring up Tess - ever. Matter of fact, we can just keep our histories to ourselves. Secondly, don't tell anybody about your condition. They'll either think you're crazy or they'll try to kill you. And lastly, you do what I say, when I say it. We clear?" Joel made his statement as Ellie looked down at her feet. 

"Sure." She said. "Repeat it." I snickered. "What you say, goes." I don't know why but it made me happy seeing her be ordered around by Joel. "Good." Joel took her answer and stood up. "Now, there's a town a few miles north of here. There's a fella that owes me some favors... Good chance he could get us a car."


"Let's get a move on." Joel motioned for us to follow and of course we did. 


We walked on the road for a few hours, luckily nothing came after us. "There we go." Joel said as he pointed to the side of the road. "Yeah, it'll be faster to go through here." We hopped over the railing of the road and walked through the trees. "Man..." 


"Nothing. It's just... I've never seen anything like this, that's all." 

"You mean the woods?"

"Yeah. Never walked through the woods. It's kinda cool." 

"You really did have a sad life." I commented. "I'm sorry, have you ever been out of that quarantine zone?" I raised an eyebrow at her and smirked. "From birth to 12 years old." Ellie's eyes widened at me. "Fuck, so you must have seen some shit." 

"Well depends, what are we talking about? Bear shit, dear shit, bird shit-" "Okay, okay, you know that's not what I meant." Ellie and I laugh a bit. It surprised me just as much as it surprised Joel. Ever since my dad died I hardly ever laughed. Smiled? Sure. Laughed? Basically never.

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