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"We're clear." Joel said as he checked outside the house. We all made our way back to the horse we came on. "You want a hand up?" Tommy asked Ellie. "I got it." She continued walking to her horse. We all mounted our horses and started our trip back. It was an awkward ride back because of the tension between Joel and Ellie. 

We stopped at a cliff that looked down onto the plant. "There she is..." Tommy said as we came to a complete stop. "Kids'll be watching movies tonight." 

"Where is this lab of theirs?" Joel suddenly asked peaking my interest. "It's all the way out - University of Eastern Colorado."

Joel said something that I didn't really understand but it must have to deal with the University. "Ellie, get off your horse, give it back to Tommy." Joel said earning Ellie's interest and I smiled a bit. "I'm gonna hang on to this fella, if that's alright with you." 

"Go on. Don't make me repeat myself." 

"What are you doing?" I smirked. "Yeah, Joel, what are you doing?" He looked at me and I gave him a wink. He shook his head and looked back at Tommy. "Your wife kinda scares me. I don't want her coming after me." Ellie got off her horse and handed the reins to Tommy. "Aorry for stealing your horse." 

"Look, come back to town, let's discuss it at least."

"Eh, you know me. My minds all made up."

Ellie made her way over to me and held out her hand. "Up you go, little lady." I said trying to act like a cowboy as I hoisted her up. "Shut up!" She let out a giggle. 

"You take care of that wife of yours." 

"There's a place for you here, you know."

"You guys good?" Joel asked looking back at us. "I'm good." Ellie said as I tilted a fake cowboy hat earning a smack from Ellie. "Ow." I said holding my arm. "Adios, little brother." Joel said as he started riding off. I directed the horse up next to Tommy. "Watch over my dad for me will you?" He nodded and I made my way to following Joel as Ellie put her arms around my waist. 


"Ok. None of these buildings look like a mirror to me." Ellie said as we made our way onto the University campus. "Well, we'll head to central grounds. Should be able to see most of the campus from there." Joel said as we rode a bit further in. 

The further we went the more I got this weird feeling about the place. It seemed too quiet even if they intended to be quiet. It was like no one was even around. 

I gripped the reins a bit and Ellie noticed as she asked, "What's wrong?" I shook my head a bit. "Just have this feeling, a weird feeling." 

"Could it possibly be my arms around you?" She said and I could hear the smirk. "Shut up." I glared back at her as she let out a small laugh. "I'm just messing with you." 

'I wish it was just that, Ellie.' I thought.

"Hey, over there." Ellie said as we stopped a bit to look at what she was pointing at. "Is that it?" And for sure, there it was, the building that looked like a mirror. "Hmm. It does look like a giant mirror." 

"Well let's go." I said as we started riding through a building. "How many people do you thik are there? Fireflies I mean." 

"Reckon it takes quite a crew to run that operation." 

"You think there'll be other people my age?"

I furrowed my brows. Aren't I her age?

"Ah... I'm not sure." Joel said as he jumped off his horse and manually opened the gate that was blocking our way. The horses started freaking out a bit making Joel stop. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... What is it?" 

"Sounds like runners." Ellie said as we heard infected screaming. "Stay with the horses. I'll go check it out." 

"You sure you don't need any backup?" I asked as Ellie jumped off my horse. "Yes. I don't want them running off." Joel motioned to the horses and we both nodded. "I'll be right back." 

"Well then." I said as Ellie went and got onto Joel's horse. "Paper, rock, scissors?" I asked leaning forward a bit and holding out my fist. "I'm gonna win." She said and the game began.


"There is no way you won all ten games." I whined, earning a snicker from Ellie. "I'm just better at the game." 

"Yeah, well, maybe I let you win." I mumbled, turning away from her. "Yeah, sure." She said and then Joel came back into sight. "Hey, I was thinking... I would've wanted to be an astronaut." 

"That a fact?" 

"Yeah. Can you imagine being up there all by yourself?" I raised an eyebrow as we made our way into the room Joel was in. "Would've been cool. I'm just saying." Joel pushed a button to open the gate that was blocking our way and Ellie continued to talk. "What about you? What'd you want to be?"

"Oh... well when I was a kid I used to want to be a, a singer." Joel got onto his horse again and this time Ellie stayed with him. "Shut up." Ellie said giving a giggle. "I'm serious." 

"Alright, (Y/n), what would've wanted to be?"

I was slightly taken back by the question because I wasn't prepared to be asked. "Uh, well, I guess a (What you want to be)." I looked at Ellie and she had a smile on her face as she looked at me. "It suits you." 

"Really?" I asked but she didn't answer.


"Do you know where that is?" Ellie asked as the recorder stopped. "I know the city." Joel said as he put the recorder down. "Is it far?" I asked looking at the skeleton sitting in the chair. "It ain't close. I mean on horseback-" Joel stopped talking and we all looked in the direction he was looking. "What?" Ellie asked. 

"Fireflies?" I asked as we saw a flashlight. "Get down!" Joel grabbed Ellie and ducked down as I followed just when they shot a bullet at us. 

"Who the fuck are these guys?" I pulled out my gun as Joel and Ellie did the same. We crouched our way out of the room and stayed hidden behind the desks. "It don't matter. We know where to go. Let's get the hell outta here." 


"Got you, asshole!" A guy yelled as he kicked the door Joel was in front of open. The impact caused Joel to be pushed back and onto the railing. The guy went up to him and started strangling him. Joel tried pushing him away as I looked around for something, anything. As soon as I spotted a bottle I picked it up and threw it at the man. This caused him to stumble and fall over the railing but because Joel had a grip on him, he went over too.

"Joel!" I yelled as me and Ellie made our way to the edge. "Oh, shit." Joel said as we both noticed the pole he had right through the side of his abdomen. "Ellie you go first." I ushered he to climb down the cable that was there. She made her way down and helped Joel when people started trying to break through the door. 

I started making my way down and just as I  got there the door opened. I pulled out my gun as fast as I could and shot one of the guys as Joel and Ellie took care of the other. "Come on." I said as I helped Ellie get Joel up. "Can you handle them?" I asked putting Joel's arm around my shoulders. "Yeah."

"Alright, let's go."

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