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"This is bullshit." I said as we made our way through the school. After finding out that the truck was missing the parts we needed to fix up a car we were in trouble. Surrounded by infected for a bit but got out fine. Now we just had to get out of the school. 

"Looks like there's a path down this hallway." Joel said. He threw one of those alcohol bottles with a rag and that killed all the infected that was at the end. We made our way down the hall and to some doors. "Help me open this." Joel said to Bill. "Alright, ready?" The two started slamming their bodies into the door to try opening the door. 

They busted through and we all walked into the gym. Joel and I pushed what was blocking the door back into the spot it was preventing anything from coming in. "This ain't gonna hold them for long." Bill said as there was a slam on the other side of the gym. "That don't sound good." The doors opened to reveal the grossest infected I've ever seen. "The fuck is that?" I said as we all took cover.

"It's a goddamn bloater!" Bill answered. "A what?" Ellie asked. "Ellie, take cover." Joel said and she did as told. Joel threw one of those alcohol bottles at the bloater and it screamed. I made my way closer to the thing but kept my distance. 'Normal' infected started coming into the room which added to the things we had to do. I aimed my gun at them and started taking down a few. When the infected was gone we focused on the bloater. 

We shot at it as it threw acid at us. After many bullets we were finally able to take it down. "Ah, geez... what was up with that big guy?" Ellie asked a question that even I was wondering. "He's been infected for a long time. We call them bloaters."

"Bloater... Okay. Got it." I sighed as Bill started talking. "I hate to interrupt your little biology lesson, but can we get the fuck outta here? Please?" For once I agreed with him. "Yup, let's go, come on Ellie." I said as I pushed my back against the bleachers and got ready to boost her up. "Nope, me first." Bill said and my eyes widened a bit. 

"Not to be rude or anything but-" Before I could say anything else the guy had his foot in my hands and I had no other choice but to boost him up. My arms felt like they were going to rip from their sockets. My jaw clenched and it was a possibility that I could have died then. "Oh god." I said as Bill finally got up. 

"I am never doing that ever again." I looked over at Ellie who looked like she could die from not laughing. I glared at her. "Next time, you do that." I said and motioned that it was her turn. "Sorry, won't laugh, wasn't laughing." She said putting her foot in my hands. I was glad that she was so much lighter then Bill. "Guys, behind you!" Bill yelled as more infected made their way into the gym. "Fucking hell." I pulled out my gun to help Joel take them down. 

"Okay, let's go." Joel said and boosted me up. Bill help Joel and we made our way through a window. We climbed a fence and propped up a ladder to get over the other fence. Bill used a rake to push the ladder away from the fence when we were all safe on the other side. "Inside the house. Now!" We rushed in and closed the door. 

Just hearing the infected and being in a house brought back the memories. "So, that worked out well." Ellie said but only got silence. "Okay, ah. I'll go check out this side of the house." And she was off. Me, on the other hand, couldn't handle the memories. I slowly sat down on the floor as the voices around me became a blur. 

I tried focusing on my breathing and calming down. It wasn't going too well until a hand was placed on my shoulder. "You okay?" I looked up to see Ellie. "Um, yeah, I'm fine." I said and slowly got up. "Uh, well, I found something that can help us get out of here." She said and led me to the garage, where a truck was. "It has all the parts it needs." I looked under the hood of the truck. "Have you tried it yet?" Ellie shook her head. "Not yet." 

"Well, try it." She got in the drivers seat and tried it out. Joel and Bill came running in soon after. "Look what we found." Ellie said, as if I even helped her find the truck. "It's got some juice in it." I said as Bill made his way over to me. "That's my battery. That fucking asshole." He closed the hood and looked at Ellie. "Get out." He demanded. "Get out." He repeated as he walked over to her. "Okay, geez." She got out of the drivers seat and Bill got in. 

"The batteries drained but the cells are alive." He concluded. "So if we push it, get it started, the alternator will recharge the battery?" I asked. "Exactly kid." 

Joel let out a sigh. "What are you thinking?" Ellie asked. "Thinking you drive and we push." I nodded. "And what do I do?" I asked. "You watch over Ellie." I crossed my arms. "I'm not a babysitter." 

"Well good cause I don't need one." Ellie crossed her arms and glared at me. "Just- watch her." Joel said putting a stop to this before anything could get started and walked away. Ellie stuck her tongue out at me and I just shook my head at her. 


"Alright, this'll do. Stop!" Bill said as he smacked the side of the truck. Ellie slowly came to a stop. "Just keep it running, aright?" She gave a thumbs up to Joel as the two got out of the bed of the truck. The two started talking and I propped my arm on the door and looked at the sunset. 

Joel came back as soon as he was done talking with Bill and Ellie made her way to the back seat. "We good to go?" I asked. "Yeah, it's gonna be a long trip so I suggest getting some sleep." I propped my feet on the dashboard and crossed my arms again to get comfy. "Fine by me." 


"Oh, man." Ellie said making Joel jolt and (Y/n) wake up from his sleep. "Hey, what happened to sleeping?" Joel asked looking in the rear view mirror at Ellie. "Okay, I know it doesn't look like it, but this here is not a bad read." The girl said as she sat up holding the comic. "Only one problem." (Y/n) turned his head to look in the direction of the girl. "Right there." She pointed at the page. "'To be continued'!" She scoffed as (Y/n) chuckled a little. "I hate cliffhangers." 

"Where did you get that?" Joel asked taking a glance at the girl in the back. "Uhh, back at Bill's. I mean all this stuff was just lying there." Joel sighed. "Thought you were keeping an eye on her?" He tapped (Y/n). The boy only shrugged. "I was." Joel shook his head. "What else did you get?" 

"Well..." Ellie's voice was filled with amusement as she turned to her bag and pulled something out. "Here. This make you all nostalgic?" She handed Joel a cassette. "Y'know, that is actually before my time." He grabbed it. "That is a winner though." He popped it in and music started playing. "Oh, man..." "Well better than nothing." I said and leaned against the window. "Oh, I'm sure 'your friend' will be missing this tonight." Joel hummed not paying attention to her. 

"Light on the reading, but it's got some interesting photos." The two finally looked at Ellie and noticed what she was talking about. "Now, Ellie, that ain't for kids." 

"Woah! How... how the hell would he even walk around with that thing?" (Y/n) Tried his hardest not to laugh. "Get rid of that." Joel tried to grab the magazine from her but she pulled it back. "Hold your horses. I want to see what all the fuss is about." She continued looking at the magazine and Joel turned back to the road. "Oh. Why are these all stuck together?" 

This time (Y/n) let out his laugh, only a little. "Um..." Joel didn't know how to answer that question. Soon Ellie was also laughing. "I'm just fucking with you." She rolled down her window and tossed the magazine out of it. "Bye-bye dude." She called out. 

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