Chapter 4 : The graduation ceremony

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" Okay students look at the camera "
The photographer command us .

|| Hehe's our graduation day . Time really flies aways . In this year a lot of things happed . Some were sweet , some were sour .
    Now I'm graduating as the top student . I'm not kidding . My character maybe silly but my brain works fast and better . Kris was second and Wendy third among us .
We trio are really famous in our college . I got  two  more good friend this year . The two are in good terms with we , trio but not that good .
But still we five were top notch . Every one calls us five star ||

∆ in an certain club ∆

"Cheers !! "

"Wooo "

•• Kris arranged a party to celebrate our graduation . After the ceremony we gathered in a room booked by Kris. We played a lot of drink games ••

" Simin....will you join your dad's company ? " Kris asked .

"No ...not now ...I want to achieve my dream first then I will think about it . And if I join the company after 10 year it won't matter as after dad my words are heavens will to them . They won't make it difficult for me " I sipped my drink after answering Kris .

"What about you Wendy ? " Kris asked  Wendy .

" Actually ....I want to follow my dream but my family won't give me too much time . I managed to convince my grandfather . He gave me 2 years ....if I don't be a famous disgner in these years I have to give up on it and look after our family business " Wendy explained her situation .

" That means I'm the only one among us who is forced to join the company . God ...your family are so understanding . My father clearly told me if I don't join the company he will marry me of with some big shots daughter " Kris said and drank his drink on one go .

"Wendy I'm going to washroom .will be back in fast " I whispered to Wendy .

•• I was damn drunk and my head was dizzy too . With a lot of difficulty I wet to wash room . But while returning I realized that I was lost . I tried to find our private room ••

"Ouch ...ahh !! " I bumped into someone .

|| Oh God ....why I kept bumping into people . I looked up to see whom I bumped into . My vision wasn't clear but my sixth sense told me that whoever I bumped into was .....damn HANDSOME !!
  He was much more handsome than Kris . Kris was our college's most  handsome guy.  That person was much taller than me and he has a great body . His aura was out of the word was unique.
    I was trying hard to gather my thoughts . I felt that his jet-black eyes were scanning me . I wanted to apologize for bumping into him but due to dizzy head I lost my conscious

I'm dead ...
I drank like madwoman ....bumped into some someone ......lost my conscious...
Bye bye world .....if I manage to see the sun tomorrow then I will expose you ..||

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