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Rye was mad.
Wrong. Mad was a too easy word for what he was feeling. His girlfriend was in the hospital again, crying in his arms and the only thing he wanted was to find that coward who made them go through this pain.

The baby he did not even know that was alive was now dead.

His baby

He tried being strong for her but his eyes were red from the tears he was holding back and the only thing he could feel was hatred.

He wanted to find him. He would find the man that was called her father and take his revenge. He wanted him to feel the same pain they were feeling that moment.

He let go off Rose only when the sobs and tears had exhaust her enough and she had fallen asleep. He kissed her forehead and let go.

Peeta tried grabbing his arm but Rye shook his arm away not wanting to hear anything else.

All the day people kept telling him facts about pregnancy.

That she was just a few weeks on.

That the baby had not fully formed her.

He was sick of that!

"Son, listen to me..." Peeta tried saying

"No dad. I don't care if you didn't have the guts to give that man an earful but I will do it! He killed my baby. I don't give a fuck of what you think, I will go and find him" he said trying to keep his tone low but really couldn't contain it.

He glanced up at Rose to make sure she was sleeping with her mother by her side before leaving.

This time, Peeta did not interrupt him

Rye ran out of the hospital and furiously walked nowhere on purpose.

He was just wondering and for the first time, he let his tears stream down his cheek

"No!" He screamed pulling on his hair

He fell on his knees and pushed his palms on his eyes trying to lock everything out. To shut the world and keep away the pain. Sobs escaped his lips, sobs that he kept inside since he found out that his girlfriend was pregnant. Since they lost the baby. Since he realized that her father was behind everything.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. A feathery touch, adoringly stroking his cheek and then running her fingers through his hair.

"Come on boy. Come inside my love" Katniss said sweetly and Rye nodded, letting his mother for the first time really take care of him.

Katniss helped him walk inside the house and lay down on the sofa. She stroked his hair and sung to him, like she used to do when he was a baby boy and now he really wanted to go back to that time where pain was when he would fell from the stairs or when he would slip on the thrown liquid on his uncle's house.

However his mother's voice was still as beautiful as it always was, even If now that she was much older, her voice was a little strained at the higher and lower tones, it was still magical.

Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when you awake, the sun will rise

Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you


When Rye woke up again, it was still early in the morning. The sun was just picking up from the horizon but his thought travelled back to Rose. He had left the hospital to find Gale but he didn't even try.

Hatred about the man that, even by mistake, killed his baby, was burning in his chest, however it was not as much as it used to be before a few hours. He probably didn't even know that Rose was pregnant.

He probably didn't even know that he killed the baby.

He didn't even know that he was about to be a grandpa.

He let out a sigh and sat up.

This time he was going to find Gale Hawthorne.


He walked around town, asking people if they knew where Gale was. No one knew but they recognized the name.

Union Soldier Gale Hawthorne

After many failing attempts to find him, he went back to the hospital. He was determinate not to leave Rose alone even though she was with her mother, he wanted to be there with her.

But just in front of her room a man was sitting on the chair crying. Rye could recognize him. He approached him with the little confidence that had left in him.

"I know you don't like me, sir, and I'll talk to you straight and plain" said Rye and Gale froze at his voice, "I really love your daughter and I don't know what I would do without her. I know that something happened in the past between my mother and you, but that is in the past" he continued, "Neither my mother, nor my father have ever talked bad about you. In fact my father always was talking with respect for your name" he added.

Gale froze and didn't know what to say. He just listened to what the boy was telling him.

"All I know now is that the love of my life that is your daughter is in the hospital because she lost our baby and your grandchild. I know you didn't want to push her but you did and I am mad about it, I am not going to make a murder though. All I want now is for you, sir, to stop being so aggressive towards me, my family and your daughter. I know you have done things you probably regret right now but I am willing to forget and forgive, if you are willing to give me your approval and to stop having this made up vendetta in your head" Rye finished. He was shaking from head to toe and closed his eyes shut with fear that Gale would hit him when he stood up.

Instead, Gale extended his hand towards Rye, with tears in his eyes.

"I am sorry I brought so much pain" he said as the young man shook Gale's hand.

The older turned around and for once didn't left out of frustration and anger but because he felt shame.


Hey guys!!
Imagine my surprise when I opened up the file I keep the chapters of this story and saw a brand new chapter. When the hell did I write it? I don't even remember to be honest...

Sorry it took me so long to update, really sorry!!

I hope you enjoy this story so far because... it is coming to an end... (I think there are two or three chapters lef... :| (I have mixed emotions because that was the first story I EVER publish and it wasn't a big hit story but the few that actually read it like it and I am so  proud)

Thanks for you support. I will try to update soon! :)

^Girl in Darknes^ who wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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