Chapter 5

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Fumnaya didn't plan on going back to her room that night. She wanted to remain at Ozo's where she was more comfortable but she had work to do. She heaved herself up from the bed and threw on her clothes which had been in a puddle on the floor.

Ozo was sleeping soundly with a soft snore. She got her phone from the dresser without bothering to wake him and quietly slipped out the door. She saw one of her neighbors, Mary, clicking her door lock in place and heading out in skimpy clothes. Fumnaya heaved a sigh as she pushed her own door open.

Discovering it was locked, she patted her back pocket for the keys and slid it into the keyhole. Once she was in the sanctity of her house, she looked around cautiously to see if anything was out of place. Kevwe had a bad habit of taking her things at will.

Fumn deeply inhaled the scent of her lemon air freshener and smiled. For once, she was joyfully home alone. She peeled her clothes away from her body and stepped into the shower.

Fumnaya was wiping the washed drinking glasses with a clean rag when Dave slid into the high back chair by the side of the counter.

"Hey beautiful," he cheered throwing her a wink. Fumn snickered.

"Don't you have work to do?" She placed a wine glass back in position and took out another.

"Nope," Dave said popping the 'p'. He had already set up songs for the night on his mx player and he thought seeing Fumn's pretty face up close wouldn't be that bad. He wasn't aware she was a heartbreaker.

"Hmmm." Fumn pretended to be deep in thought. "But you still have other works to do surely?"

"Nah, DJ work is pretty simple once you have gotten through the basics of arranging the songs and their mix," Dave spoke professionally.

Fumn nodded as if she understood what he saying. Hell, she didn't know shit about music. That was apart from the hip hop songs that she played on occasions when she was cleaning her house.

"Can you dance?" Dave asked crossing his arms and eyeing Fumn skeptically. "I have a feeling you can."

Fumn shrugged counting the number of glasses she'd successfully arranged on the shelf. "I was a stripper once. So maybe."

"Waoh. Mad o!" Dave's mouth rounded in surprise and he leaned in to hear more gist. Before he could ask any further questions, Ebitimi pushed the club door open and signaled to Dave.

Dave drummed his fingertips lightly on the gleaming top before walking over to see him. Fumn breathed a sigh of relief. There was nothing she hated more than someone evading her personal space.

Nengi was sashaying past Fumn to the kitchen in her red polo uniform and panty hose. Fumn eyed what she was putting on and snickered quietly.

Ebitimi had strictly stated that panty hose wasn't allowed for club workers. He bluntly said they were to wear bum shorts only on Wednesdays when the place was teeming with party goers. The rest of the week were for black or blue jeans paired with a canvas.

Nengi was sure going to get it hot from the manager for dressing inappropriately. After hashing with Ebitimi, Dave nodded and hurried to where Fumn was placing some liquor bottles in the chiller.

"The hotel manager said we should come downstairs for a brief meeting." As soon Dave passed the information to Fumn and Nengi, he whisked up the stairs to inform Priscilla who was idly playing games on her phone.

The hotel manager, Erica, was a no nonsense lady judging by her looks. She was light skinned with a tall gait and square chin. She was the definition of being effortlessly pretty.

Her packing gel was whipped in a high ponytail and her small succulent lip was coated with a bright red lipstick. Her eyebrows were well lined accentuating her pointed nose and deep set eyes which roved over the staffs that were gathered.

"So," Erica stated crossing her arms as her gaze landed on Nengi. She sent her a look of disapproval at her outfit. Erica gestured for Nengi to meet up with her after the meeting.

"I want to thank you guys for making it to our first meeting for the year. It's been an amazing ride with y'all." A thunderous clap followed by cheers echoed and Fumn smiled inwardly. They were all seated in the bar area with couches arranged in a circular manner.

Fumn saw Ebitimi dusting off something from his slacks as he leaned to mutter in Erica's ear. Erica frowned, shaking her head at the suggestion he brought.

"So, let's get straight to the point, shall we?" Erica began. "The reason why we are gathered here is to reinstate the do's and don't of the club. This is so because of the new workers in our midst. I will be listing them one by one so you guys should pay attention because if caught flunking any of them, you will be fired."

"Firstly, you are not allowed to sexually fraternize with our guests. That itself is a big no no." Erica went on to explain more on the rule and Fumn chinned up, listening attentively. Murmurs of complaints rang out here and there on some of the rules that were not properly understood.

Erica mentioned with a clipped voice that if anyone had any questions, it was to be asked after she was done talking and not interrupting her speech.

She continued to say that no form of cheating or bribery was to be accepted, staffs were to assume their duties on time, no switching of uniforms unless told to do so, no loitering around the halls doing nothing, no idling on duty, no pressing of phones (Fumn had flunked that a few times).

The rules were endless and Fumn found herself dozing off towards the end. She jolted awake as Erica shushed the crowd and stated the last and most important rule. No chit chats or flirts with the director. At that, Nengi threw her face away and huffed.

Some of the bar girls were whispering amongst themselves while others sighed dreamily. Fumn furrowed her brows. Who was the director anyway?

She turned to a guy sitting quietly beside her and asked him what the deal was with the final rule. His name was Jola and he worked in the kitchen department. He was dark, slim and averagely normal.

By that, Fumn meant that his face was something else entirely. Black spots and pimples fought for control on his cheeks, nose, under eye, forehead, everywhere.

Jola replied that the director was usually the most sought after man because of his commanding presence and closely knit circle of wealthy friends.

The only days he came clubbing was on Sunday. And on that day, the staffs had to be on their best behavior. Anyone that was called in to attend to him was usually the subject of attention and gossip the following day.

Fumn's mouth rounded in surprise as she recalled the older man she'd seen the first day she came for her interview. It couldn't be, she thought. Her heart was racing.

"Does he happen to have neatly trimmed white beards and a bit of a bald head with a tall, dominating stature?"

Jola smirked. Lots of men fitted the description that Fumn stated. He told her to be more specific. Fumn had to raise her voice a bit louder because of the noise the others were making.

"Does he have a mole close to his left ear?"

Jola thought for a while and nodded. Fumn swore under her breath.

She was officially doomed.

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