Their Past

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"Jason! I need you to take Lily!" Atticus called out to the young boy. Lily was crying in pain because she had been hurt pretty bad.

Jason took Lily from Atticus and ran to the basement with the others.

"Alright! We need to start teleporting people now!" Shark said to the kids.

Young Melody was first in line. She gripped the necklace Yuto and Yuzu had given her tightly as she stepped forward. Astral then teleported her to Astral world where she would be safe.

Next up was Valerie and Ajay.

"You be good now, okay?" Jaden said to his son.

"Daddy, please don't make me go, please come with me. I don't want to leave you and Jesse." Ajay said in tears.

Jaden put his hand on his son's shoulder.

"Never be afraid." He said.

Valerie hugged Kaiba tightly.

"I'm scared dad. W-We've already lost Joey... I can't lose you too..." She said.

"Valerie, I will always be with you." Kaiba said as he handed Valerie his blue eyes white dragon card.

Valerie gave her father one last hug before she and Ajay were teleported to Astral world.

Next up was Alexa and Heroku.

Heroku stepped forward to hug Shun and Sora, when a piece of rubble from the ceiling fell.

Shun ran forward and pushed Heroku out of the way, causing the rubble to land on him.



Sora and Heroku quickly kneeled down next to Shun to try and get the rubble off of him.

"Guys... It's no use... My adventure ends here..." Shun said weakly.

"No! You're going to be okay dad! Please just hang on!" Heroku said, trying to lift the rubble.

"Heroku, listen... You're going to be a strong man... and I know we will meet again... As for you my husband... Thank you for the journey of a lifetime... I-I love you... both..."

Heroku screamed in sadness as his father died right before his very eyes.

Alexa was crying too, mainly because she had witnessed Jack's death no more than two hours ago.

"Yusei... I miss Jack..." Alexa cried.

Yusei wrapped his arms around his daughter. "I know. I miss him too."

Alexa hugged Yusei tightly, never wanting to let go. She had a special bond with her parents that she didn't want to break.

"Alexa, promise me that you'll stay strong, even in the darkest times." Yusei said.

Alexa nodded. "Okay, I promise."

"I love you more than anything my little Stardust Dragon." Yusei said.

"I love you too dad." Alexa replied.

"Heroku, you need to get out of here. Don't worry, it's gonna be okay." Sora said to his son.

After a final hug, both kids were on their way to Astral world.

Next, we had Riku, Rachel and Moon.

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