I-Is this real?!

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Valerie slowly approached the man proclaimed to be her father.

"How are you-?" Valerie couldn't even finished her sentence. She was just shocked.

Kaiba ran forward and hugged Valerie tightly. "My daughter! I missed you so much!" Kaiba said, crying.

"Holy fuck. Seto Kaiba is crying!" Saki said.

"Watch your language young man."

Saki whipped her head around and saw Crow.

"Holy SHIT! Dad!" Saki yelled, jumping into her father's arms.

"You're alive!" Lea yelled, hugging Quattro. "Even thought you almost shot me, I'm happy to see you!"

Akasuki walked forward and saw Vector.

"Dad?" She asked.

Vector ran forward and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry Akasuki. I didn't mean to send you away." He said while crying.

It wasn't long before Akasuki began crying as well. "D-Dad! You're here!"

Everyone had reunited with their parents.

Everyone except Zueki.

She looked down at the Barian emblem and saw nothing. She held it close and prayed to God that he was okay. That he had survived for the past ten years. That he was alive.

Zueki felt tears in her eyes as she thought of Yuma's death. What if Shark died the same way?

Suddenly, there were gunshots. The emblem started glowing as the adults tried to hide everyone, knowing what was happening.

Zueki full on sprinted outside, ignoring the yells to come back. As she ran outside she saw a sight she never wanted to see.

Shark was- no. NASCH.

Nasch was defending the house from the attackers. And Zueki could tell he was clearly injured.

He was covered in cuts and bruises, and looked like he was tired. Like he had been defending for days.

"Give up you weak bastard. You'll just fail and disappoint everyone." One cloaked man said, kicking Shark in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground. "Just like you did when you sent your own child away." Another one of the cloaked men said.

Without even thinking, Zueki ran out in front of her weakened father, spreading her arms out to protect him.

"He didn't fail me." She said.

The cloaked men froze. They obviously weren't expecting the young girl to show up now.

"He's the best dad anyone could ask for, and he was protecting me from harm! He never wanted to send me away, but because you bastards killed my father, AKA his HUSBAND, he had no choice!" Zueki yelled.

She turned and looked at Shark.

"I know he never gave up on me. He was always listening, even if I couldn't see him." She said with a smile.

Suddenly, one of the cloaked men from earlier shot Zueki in the shoulder.

"Zueki!" Shark yelled, catching her as she fell.

Zueki thought they were done for, but then, another Barian appeared and created a shield to protect them.

"Nasch! Get out of here! I can hold them off!"

The Barian sounded so familiar, but Zueki was in pain and couldn't focus on that.

Shark rushed Zueki back inside to get her help.

"Quinton! Someone! Please help!" He yelled.

Quinton and Crow both jumped up and ran over to help the young girl.

"She was shot by one of the handguns. Should be a simple fix." Quinton said, taking Zueki from Shark's arms.

~Back in Astral World~

"I fixed the alarm clock Alexa!" Jason said happily.

"Like it matters! Five of our family members are gone! They didn't come to school at all today either!" Alexa yelled.

"Maybe they went to get ice cream!" Rachel jumped on her bed.

"Yeah! That always cheers us up!" Riku said.

"I've tried tracking their phones guys! They aren't here! Not even turned off or anything!" Alexa yelled.

"Alexa! Calm down!" Atem yelled. "I know where they went!"

The room went silent as everyone waited for Atem to explain.

"I overheard Lea talking to Saki about...going back. They all went to see if they could find our parents." He explained.

"And you didn't think to stop them?!" Alexa yelled.

"Hey! It's their lives! They should be allowed to do what they want!" Jason yelled.

"This was most likely caused by you." Jay said in a low voice.

"Excuse me?!" Alexa yelled.

"Jay's right! You've been controlling everyone's lives ever since we got here! It's natural for them to rebel!" Ajay said.

"I've just been doing what my parents asked of me! Why does everyone yell at me for that?!" Alexa yelled.


Everyone looked over to see Lily in her wheelchair.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going back home on Tuesday. Zueki told me she'd give me a sign if she made it, and..." Lily pulled a charm out of her pocket.

"It's glowing. This is her sign."

~Back in ze human world~

"Is Zueki okay?!" Shark asked as Quinton walked out of the med room.

"She's fine. I patched her up and she should be good to go." He replied.

"Wow. And you all thought I'D be the first one to get hurt." Saki mumbled.

"Someone hit him!" Lea said.

"Ow! Valerie!" Saki complained.

Shark walked into the room his daughter was in and closed the door, blocking out the sounds of the others argument.

Zueki turned her head and her eyes widened. She wasted no time running over to her dad and hugging him.

"I've missed you so much Zueki." Shark said, tears filling his eyes.

"Dad... Please don't go..." Zueki said, tears pouring down her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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