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Your sun-kissed face was alluring.

"Don't forget your essay that's due a week from now," the professor reminded. The students quickly left the room, flooding the halls. Atsumu was amidst the sea of people, trying to leave as soon as possible. He was adjusting his bag before a hand grabbed him by the arm. His body tensed up as he whipped around to confront the culprit.

"Hey, what's the deal- " he started until his eyes met a familiar face. Rolling his eyes, he gripped his bag tighter. "For fuck's sake Samu, can't ya just call out my name?" the irritated male yelled. Atsumu just wanted to go home and eat his dinner- not like he knew how to make an exquisite meal, but at least he'll be satisfied for the night.

"I did, what's up your ass?" the other twin chuckled. The two of them started walking. "Will ya shut up?" Atsumu spat. "Woah. Chill, Tsumu," he started.

"I just came here so we can go look for Bokuto-san's gift."

Well, there goes my peaceful night.

"Could've texted me," Atsumu grumbled before exiting the building. A wave of crispy cold air hit their faces as soon as they opened the door. Winter was approaching, yet it was colder than usual. His body shivered from the sudden change in temperature. The coat wasn't doing much for him.

"Well, you shouldn't be on your phone in class," he said after a while. Osamu stole a glance at his brother's shivering state. Lately, the silver-hair has been worried. Worried about his twin and his mental health. Atsumu hasn't been acting the same ever since Hinata and him broke up 6 months ago. It's been a long time, but to Atsumu, it felt like yesterday that the event had happened. Shrugging, Osamu averted his attention to the sidewalk.

"Ha, you're one to talk."

"By the way, do you have band practice tomorrow?" Osamu asked, ignoring the other's comment. He was curious due to the fact that the party was towards the evening, where it was intended to last all night long. Atsumu raised his eyebrow, not sure as to when his twin had ever asked about his own schedule. "Uh, no. Bokuto's party, remember?" he reminded the other. "Wow, then that's two days with no practice," he murmured under his breath.

"We're just busy. Practice resumes afterward anyway," he said. Atsumu brought his hands to his face, rubbing it together to create friction and heat despite the cold. "Hey, why are ya asking?" he asked. The golden-haired male put his hands back in his pockets as they approached the shopping center.

"I heard this concert venue was holding a new event 2 weeks from now."

"Didn't know ya keep track of those things," Atsumu remarked. Earlier, he had seen a flyer about it. Not to mention his band's group chat that a concert venue was being held soon. He assumed Osamu was talking about the same one that Bokuto asked about. The band was something that they did for fun, and they agreed to come together- along with Hinata and Sakusa since they all attended the same university.

"I haven't heard you guys play in a while. How long has it been?" the twin asked. They both stopped walking as soon as they saw a designer store; one that Bokuto has had his eyes on recently. Opening the heavy glass door, the two of them made their way in. An employee greeted them, reciting a sale that's happening for the entire store.

"I don't know, I think a month?" he questioned. All they've been doing was playing songs that they thought would need practice on. Other times, they'd play just for fun or if they wanted to hang out amongst themselves. They haven't been going to any gigs lately due to schedules being packed. However, Atsumu was fine now with the new job change.

"I'll talk about it with 'em tomorrow, I guess. But right now, what do we buy for Bokkun?" Atsumu changed the subject, not wanting to talk about something that wasn't occurring right now.

The store had intricate jackets, coats, and hoodies. There was a wide selection of jeans, cargo pants, and regular pants that followed the same color scheme as the tops. The designer's clothing contained black, gray, and white with a few accents of neon. A style that Bokuto's been interested in lately. "We can give him a new outfit, he's been telling me about this store," Atsumu suggested. His twin hummed in response, looking through the racks.

Maybe I'll get matching hoodies with him.

After picking out different styles and varieties, Osamu gave up and followed Atsumu's lead. It took a while, but Atsumu pulled out two hoodies to show to his twin. One was black and the other was white, both having the same pattern of neon blue across the cloth. They both agreed that the blue would look good on him. The faux-blonde was finally relieved that they came to a decision and started to check out.

He knew that Bokuto liked it when he did stuff for both of them, and not just for him. It was sweet when the older told Atsumu; that holidays like tomorrow should be celebrated for his friends too. Well, he'd always directly say Atsumu's name.

"Oi Tsumu, make sure you say it's from me too," Osamu told his brother, his hands tucked away in his jacket's pockets. They had arrived at Atsumu's place, currently outside and saying their farewells. "Yeah yeah, even though I did all the work," he pointed out while rolling his eyes. He fumbled for his keys, unlocking the door before he turned around to his twin. "But thanks for reminding me, I guess," he finished. It was no doubt that Atsumu would buy the gift last minute if it weren't for Osamu.

The silver-dyed was taken aback for a bit, his eyes widened from his twin's appreciation. Though, no other words were exchanged; Osamu didn't want to push it any further. He gave a smile of triumph, finally leaving the other by himself. Atsumu watched until he was no longer visible, the shopping bag clutched in his hands as he entered his safe space. Locking the door, he settled down his belongings before throwing himself on the couch.

He pulled out his phone to check the time. The clock read 21:38, knowing well he should've had dinner with Osamu. Atsumu thought it would be too much of a hassle. He just wanted to get home so that no one would bother him anymore.

The exhausted male struggled to put himself back on his feet. He had to prepare Bokuto's present before he forgets tomorrow. Knowing him, it was most likely that he'd forget to bring the present to the party. With sluggish footsteps, he made his way to his desk. His hands grabbed wrapping tissue and a sticker pack from years ago that he now had a purpose for.

"Shouyou, where did ya get those gift stickers from?"  the curious blonde asked. Hinata was currently wrapping up a present for his sister's Christmas present. Turning around, he looked to where Atsumu's eyes were.

"Oh that? Just by the supermarket, there's a little stationery shop," he said before getting up from the floor and picking up the sticker packet. He peeled one off, knowing that his little sister liked flowers. "Buy some with me," Atsumu said, softly looking at the orange hair.

"Nah, get some yourself!" he laughed.

"Oi, come here," he jokingly demanded while he walked closer to the shorter.

"No! I was joking- wait Atsumu-," Hinata got cut off by his boyfriend's tickling fingers, poking his sides. His giggles resonated in the room, with Atsumu joining the laughter as Hinata tickled him back.

Writing the words 'From Atsumu and Osamu', he closed the marker with the cap. He set aside the gift near the kitchen counter for him to easily spot in the morning.

Today wore himself out, especially with such an unfortunate conversation with Hinata and Sakusa. The thought of upcoming events made Atsumu dread the following weeks. He wished that he could stay in his room- where nothing could hurt him, where he didn't have to try to act like he was getting better. It was a lie though, his mind would torture him even in his sleep.

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