Part 3

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               You stopped dead in your tracks. You expected this but somehow you're so surprised. You don't know if you should be happy for him or feel sorry for him. But still.. hearing him say this makes you a little happy." What the fuck are you grinning at?" Aoruo said irritated. " She's inlove with Corporal Shorty..." he said looking down. Not again.

                                              I love Levi...

                     Those three words still hurt you all over again. " Why are you sad?" he ask. " I'm not surprises that girl fell in love with that midget." he crossed his arms and leaned to the wall. " Its already obvious. The way she looks at him, the way she smiles at him, the way she talks to him, there all ovious." he frowned. You were to stunned to react instead you blink a few time trying to process all this.

                             " I've known Petra for a long time and already knew who she wants to be with from the very start." he said. " I couldn't blame her for falling for him. I did everything for her to even notice me. I tried my best to distract her. I even acted like him just for her to look at me but all I got was a laugh from her but that's alright for me." he turned sideways facing the window only to see Petra sitting on the bench with Levi. This isn't fair for Aoruo. Aoruo cares more for Petra. 

                             You feel like hugging him to comfort him and tell him to fight. " I love that stupid girl." he smiled sweetly. " But I can't have her..." his face looks torn and broken.  " I'm not sad though. I'm happy she's with the one she loves. " he looked at you seriously. You couldn't help but cry now. " You should be happy too, (f/n)." he said. You patted his shoulder and said " You have no idea Aoruo." you smiled. ' If you only know Aoruo, if you only knew.' Then you continued walking.


                                  Finally you arrived at the lab and just as he turn around and walk you called. " Hey." you said making him turn to you looking at your (e/c) eyes. " You know, I wish Petra could've chosen you over him." you said giving him the most sincere smile. He smiled back " Me too." he replied then made his way leaving you alone in your thoughts once again. 

  " Okay." you mumbled. Your palms got sweaty the longer you stand in front of the door. You patted your cheeks and rubbed your hands. " Smile (f/n), be your old self. Don't let her notice." you mumbled. After a long sigh you gave a firm knock on the door and opened it olnly to see Squad Leader Hanji under the sink. 

"Where are they?" she mumbled. You noticed her eyes are narrowing and the way she moves. As is she can't see things clearly. You looked at her and see her glasses are on top on her head. " Arghh! Mother of Titans where are my glasses!" she searched sweeping her hands on the floor. " U-uhm... Hanji-san, your glasses are on top of your head." you said trying not to laugh.

" Oh." was all she said then settles them . " Thank you (f/n)." she said. You gave a salute only for her to waver. " Oh (f/n)." she said. " Just a simple ' Hanji' when we're alone kay?" she grinned. " Okay... Hanji." you smiled. " Very good (f/n) you're very obedient!" she squeeled. "Take a seat." she offered. " Forgive me for the mess. I'm still studying on the--"        " Titans?" you cut her. " Yes! You're so smart (f/n) Remind me when we are going to examine Titans. You would make a good assistant" she squeeled ' Geezers. Hell no"

" Anyway, I called you here because I wanted to talk about something." she made a serious face. " I have noticed your behaviours you're displaying for the past days." she started. " Sasha told me you don't eat much like you used to, Armin said you became less... mischievous like you always were, Mikasa said you space out a lot all of the sudden and Eren said you became quiet- not you if I were to sum it up." she explained .

" I've also noticed Petra's behaviour and actions toward Corporal Levi." she added. " I may be correct but you and Petra used to be together often, right?" she asked. You couldn't say anything. Not even a nod, shake or a shrug. All you did was wait for her to say more. " I've been working with Petra for years and... yes, you may say I know some things just by observing." she said looking straight at your (e/c) eyes. 

" Do you love him too, (f/n)?" she asked. You gasped, your eyes widened, your heart stop. What should you do? " So what if I love him too?" you said sinking your face into your hands. "It's just too hopeless Hanji..." you sobbed. 

" I love him. I love him with all my heart... but I gave him away to my bestfriend. I love him because I'm the only person who ever saw his smile, who is the closest person to him, who helps him when he is on the brink on losing his insanity, who fucking knows him than anyone on this fucking planet!" you shouted. You heard a short feminine gasp. Not Hanji's. Too femine. You look at her only to see her face pale and eyes widening from what she is seeing behind you. You look behind only to see Petra her eyes widening and welled up from surprise and hurt then beside her is Levi looking at you with a black expression.

No... No no no no no no!

It's ruined. Your secret is blown. You felt a tightening sensation in your chest and you can't breathe. How can you look at them now? You felt like you betrayed them. This is too much. You ran passed them and as you sprint pass the door you heard Petra's faint cry " (f/n)!!!" 


Hello! Sorry for the wait because I couldn't think of the flow for this chapter.  But please do wait. I'm not stopping this story so don't worry. I blame my homeworks by the way so it might take a little longer for me to update so... yeah I'm messed up. Please do comment for request or errors or anything at all. Thank you!


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