Imagine: Being Pregnant with Loki's Child

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It was a cool night in Asgard, and you were outside sitting on one of the many stone benches that were scattered about the castle's gardens.
You let out a deep sigh, watching your breath as the cold carried it swiftly away. Loki should be here any minute You thought, pulling your cloak closer towards your shivering frame. You see, earlier that day you'd told the God, who was your lover, to meet you in the gardens around this time, for you had important news to tell him. You were extremely nervous, frightened even, though it was news you would have to tell him nonetheless; that you were carrying his child. You'd known for some time now, but you hadn't told him. You had hid your steadily growing stomach, and you had tried the very best you could to hide your raging hormones. Yet, the time had come where you could no longer hide it, and you wanted him to know now.
You just didn't know how he'd react.
For the last couple months you had been going over all the possible scenarios in your head, not all of them were bad, and not all of them were pleasant. But now, you were ready to finally tell him, you hated having to keep secrets from him.
Suddenly, your thoughts were interrupted by a voice you had been hoping you'd hear.
"I'm here (y/n)." Said Loki, a smile upon his face as he walked over to where you sat.
"Loki!" You breathed, your once so sullen expression brightening into one of happiness. With a grin, you softly patted the empty space beside you. "Now love," he began, taking a seat in the spot you'd offered, "Pray tell me why you wished to speak with me out here in the freezing cold?"
You froze. Damn these nerves you thought, before mustering up your courage to speak, "Loki, there is something I wish to tell you."

Loki's brow furrowed in confusion.
"Whatever is it (y/n) ?" He asked, assuming the worst. When you yet again found yourself without words, the God cried out. "Have you found another?!"

A gasp escaped your lips, "No Loki! It's nothing like that at all!" You explained frantically.
"Then what is it?!" He pressed harder, clearly agitated, "What is it that you're so afraid of telling me?!"
Nervous to see his expression, your gaze averted to the ground as the words came out in a mumble.
"What?" It was Loki's turn to gasp.
This time you said it a little louder, "I'm with child. Your child."
Peering up at the God beside you, you saw that suddenly his lips had pulled themselves into a broad smile. "That's what you were afraid to tell me love? That you were carrying our child?" He placed a hand under your chin, lifting your face up further so that he could look at you. "What a silly fear my love! For this news is the best I've ever heard!"
He excitedly brought his lips to yours, cupping your flushing face as he did so. At first you were shocked, but you soon relaxed and melted into the kiss.
When you finally broke away, you both were smiling, and all your fears had been washed away.
~ The end~

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