Imagine: Telling Tom That You're Pregnant

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You had been alone in the bathroom for an hour, staring wide-eyed at the pregnancy test that you held shakily in your hand. It was positive. You should have been overjoyed, and that you were, but your thoughts were also plagued with worry. Were you ready? What would Tom think? What if he didn't want a child? -Nonsense you told yourself firmly, Tom had always spoken kindly of the little ones and in such a loving manor as well, of course he'd want children. Yet... As you peered up at your reflection in the mirror, the same question repeated inside your mind. Were you ready? You and Tom had only been married a year, so you wondered if that was too soon. Usually people waited awhile before starting a family, was this too early?
Suddenly, a soft knock upon the door interrupted your trail of thoughts, startling you to the point where the pregnancy test fell from your trembling fingers and landed with a small 'clink' upon the tiled floor. "Y-yes?" You called out, trying your best to conceal the anxious tone you knew was in your voice.
"It's me." A voice that you knew to be Tom's answered from behind the locked door. "You've been in there over an hour love, are you sure you're alright?" You could hear the concern in his low, accented voice.
"Y-yes Tom, I'm fine." You said, quickly snatching the test up from the bathroom tiles and depositing it into the trash can.
For awhile, there was silence once more.
However, when you had begun to think he'd left, he spoke out again. "(Y/n), would you please come out?" The Englishman pleaded, the concern in his words more obvious than it had been.
You sighed. Despite your efforts to conceal your worried tone from him, he knew you far too well not to recognize its presence.
"(Y/n)!, " he shouted when you didn't answer, "Please! Please come out of the bathroom! Or at the very least tell me what it is that's troubling so much that you can't tell your own husband!"
You flinched at the urgency in his voice.
Should you tell him? You wondered, staring at the door that stood between the two of you anxiously.
He had a right to know, and besides, he would find out eventually even if you didn't tell him - right?
Taking a gulp of air, you turned to face the door, which was now shuddering from the force Tom was exerting upon the doorknob before he soon realized that you'd locked the damn thing.
"Let me in please (y/n)." A soft, defeated voice begged from behind the wooden door.
Slowly, reluctantly, you lifted a hand and pulled back the cool, metal chain.
Then, sliding that hand down the base of the door until it reached the doorknob, you at last opened the door. Revealing the disgruntled and torn face of your husband, who's fist had been raised above his head, ready to pound itself against the wooden frame that had once separated him from you.
He took a step back, a combination of both surprise and relief was the new expression he wore now as soon as he saw the door open, and your face.

"Oh thank god." He breathed, lowering his arm and stepping forward to pull you into his embrace. In a moment he pulled back, hands still resting at your sides as his gaze lowered to meet yours.
"Now would you please tell me what's wrong?"

"I-I'm pregnant Tom." You whispered, your voice barely audible due to the nervousness you felt as the words rolled off your tongue and left through your lips. As soon as you did so, you bit your lip and braced yourself for what his reaction would be.
Once again, surprise consumed your husband's face as he processed the news. "(Y/n)!" Tom gasped, the ends of his lips broadening into a smile that could light up the world. It was a smile that could've belonged to a child on Christmas morning, or a blind man seeing for the first time.
"That is.. That's absolutely, terrifically, wonderfully, wonderful!" He stuttered, finding it troublesome to find the words to express how he felt.
Finally, you allowed yourself a small grin. "You don't think it's too soon? You really think we're ready for this?" You asked, peering up at him from under your long lashes.
"Are you kidding me?!" He laughed his usual adorable laugh, picking you up and spinning you around in a circle. "Of course you are- of course WE are!" You giggled, placing your lips upon his.
The kiss deepened, and Tom carefully set you down, before kneeling down and kissing your stomach.
"You're going to be a wonderful mother, (y/n)."

"And you, a wonderful father."

|| The End ||

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