The Soccer Game

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Alix was peeved. Actually, all the girls were as they eyed the tall boy who was still talking despite all the glares sent his way.

"You wanna bet?" Alix growled through her clenched teeth at the offender. Her narrowed eyes watched him furiously. If looks could kill, Kim clearly had a death wish. He snorted in amusement.

"It'd be a pointless bet. Just face it, there's no way you girls could take on us guys? Right?" He looked to all the other boys in the class for confirmation. Each set of eyes he met shifted away. Max did not want to be involved. Nino didn't want to face Alya's wrath. Nathaniel was sure half the girls in the class could quite literally kick his ass. Ivan was impartial to it all. So that left one Adrien Agreste.

"Adrien! You agree with me right?" Kim cried desperately. Adrien blinked, not even realizing what was going on. He had been too busy scrambling to get his homework done after being occupied with the previous day's schedule and akuma debacle.

"I'm sorry, what?" Adrien cocked his head questioningly.

"The soccer game! Alix wanted it to be girls versus boys but I told her there's no way they'd win that way." Kim explained exasperatedly. All he wanted to do was play some soccer and Alix had to make things difficult for him. He wanted a challenging game, not one where he had to worry about taking it easy on the girls.

Adrien turned in his seat and glanced at all of the girls in the class. He was pretty sure that Chloe and Sabrina weren't going to take part. Next, his eyes met Alix to see her scowling at him. She was definitely a force to be reckoned with. Then there were Mylene, Juleka, and Rose. Mylene would probably play to be a good sport but he knew that she wasn't athletic at all. Juleka looked completely disinterested. Rose was worse than Mylene in term of athleticism and was much too sweet to be a threat. Even the pout on her face at the moment looked nothing but cute.

That left Alya and Marinette. He spared a quick glance at the two. It was well known how clumsy Marinette was. He wasn't sure how well she did in sports but she'd probably trip herself up too much to cause any damage. Alya seemed like she would be pretty sporty and she had the benefit from all the Ladybug chasing on her side. That left the girls with only two players that could possibly match up with the boys.

The boys, on the other hand, had him and Kim who were actively part of at least one sports activity. Max would only be interested in being the referee. Nathaniel loathed gym so he was probably out. But Adrien was fairly certain that he could count on Ivan and Nino to be decent.

"Sorry girls, but I think I'll have to agree with Kim." Adrien said apologetically. Kim was right that it would be an unfair game. Their skill levels were just too different.

"What?" Came a sharp response from his right. He could hear Nino whispering, 'You should have stayed out of this bro.' But it was too late. He had spoken. Alya sent a lovely glare his way and he shrunk back in his seat. Marinette too did not look happy. He actually couldn't remember if there was a time aside from the gum incident that she'd looked so displeased with him. "Oh, it is on!" Alya shouted.

"Dammit Adrien. Even if you do agree, you're not supposed to say anything!" Nino hissed, unfortunately loud enough that both Alya and Marinette heard.

"Oh, so you agree too, Nino?" Alya stood up and leaned forward. Nino gulped at the figure looming over him. But he wouldn't crack. He wouldn't let her see his fear. Though he was sure that she could probably smell it seeping out of every pore on his body.

"W-well, of course! There's no way the girls would stand a chance. Adrien does like a bajillion sports. Kim's on the basketball team. Ivan could literally snap me in half. And what? You girls only have Alix who's remotely interested in sports."

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