A New Journey

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Today had to be the worst day, Mum was sending me away to the countryside where in the middle of nowhere, stood a school, Well mum calls it The academy and she showed me pictures but I cant be bothered saying The Academy so i just call it a school. By the time I reach the lounge Mum's packed all my stuff up into one suitcase, She did leave my dresses behind but everything else she threw in my suitcase, "mum why cant I just stay here" I heard mum sigh, she turned around and looked at me "oh child" she kissed my forehead "I'm going to Hospital and you need to actually have an education and make friends'" right, for a while I had forgotten mum was going into Hospital "now I know your seventeen now but, your still my little peanut right" i smiled and placed my hand against her cheek "always and forever" I kissed her forehead. "Have you got everything peanut" I looked at my suitcase and sighed, she had packed everything so neat and tidy "Yes mama" She nodded and walked into the kitchen, That's when I felt the tears, I quickly wiped my tears away because if she saw me crying we would never leave, I took a deep breath and shut my suitcase. Mum came out with cookies and sat down on her pink furred couch, I sat on the foot rest "are you sure your going to be fine mum", She nodded "its my last chemo, ill be fine in no time, and well be back together soon", I felt the tears rising again but I pushed them back.

"Couldn't I just stay here and look after the house" Mum sat up slowly, she was starting to become weaker, her figure was getting smaller, you could see her cheek bones and mostly every other bone, she held her hand against my cheek "I need you to keep yourself healthy and strong, that's why the academy will be good" I smiled and she let her hand fall, she fell back into the chair "I'll leave in ten minutes mum, I'll make some tea first" she smiled and I headed to the kitchen, I grabbed the kettle and filled it with water, I turned my head to see mum had fallen asleep, I placed the kettle back but didn't turn it on. I walked over to my suitcase and placed it by the door, Slowly I turned around and faced mum, My body seemed to lose strength, I walked over to her slowly, I knelt next to her and took a deep breath, "Goodbye mum" i kissed her forehead and walked twords the door, I grabbed my suitcase and took one last look, I smiled and opened the door, I walked through prepared for whats to come next.

I dragged my Suitcase cross the concrete, I saw my car just a few steps away, but I also saw her, Mia, The girl who hates me for some reason. I felt anger rise in me but I kept walking, when I reached my car I heard footsteps behind me "where you going Little runt" I sighed and opened my boot, chucking my suitcase in "oi im talking to you" I slam the boot and started heading for the front door. "Oi you little shit" Mia stood in front of me, Her hands on my chest "when i speak to you, you look at me, your not important so dont for a think a second you are" She pushed me backwards "so now i ask again, where are you going" I laughed and looked into her eyes "aww well i must be important if even the dumpster rat speaks to me" I pushed past her and sat in my car, I looked in my rear view mirror, she was standing right behind my car, I sighed and hoped out of my car, Bad choice, Mia threw a rock through my back window, her friends joined her and threw rocks at my side windows and at my car "What are you doing!!" Mia laughed and I tried to run over to her but hands wrapped around my waist pulling me back. After a while of trying to fight back I gave up, The hands loosened and the person stood beside me "and who are you" there was silence for a while "the names Damion" My body froze, the person was a guy, I looked up and saw a muscular man, he had blue eyes and tanned brown skin, my body felt like it was gonna break, My stomach felt like butterflies were flying around "And why are you here", "I'm here to take This precious thing to the academy" I saw all the girls mouths fall open except for Mia's, she just stood there with her arms crossed.

"Why do you want her, shes nothing, there is no point in her existent" I tried to turn around but Damion pulled me next to him "She's more important then you will ever be" he started walking twords her and I knew what she was planning, with one kiss from her he would be hers, She bit her lip and he kept walking, he stood right in front of her "She's got more power then you will ever have" That's when she did it, she wrapped her evil arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his, He didn't pull away and finally she pulled back, she smiled "so, you still think shes more powerful then me" he turned around and whipped his lips, "yea she can last longer then 5 seconds" the girls laughed and I saw him smile, I looked over at Mia, she had her hands in fists and she was staring straight at me, My face dropped and I walked away from her. I Went to hop into my car but saw Damion had my suitcase and was walking twords a black Lamborghini Aventador, he turned and smiled at me "coming". I Smile and run over to him, he opens the door and I stand there with my mouth wide open, it was like heaven, white seats, white steering wheel white everything. I slid in an sat in the passenger seat, The seat was warm and at first I thought someone else was in here but then i saw a button that had a seat on it and it was glowing "cool, seat warmers" Damion laughed and closed the door, i watched as he walked around the car and took one last glance twords the girls, He grinned, that's when i saw them, two sharp teeth on each side of his mouth, I looked over to Mia and the girls, I watched as the girls ran away but Mia just stood there, grinning, her lips sealed smile, her smile could break men down in just a few seconds, i'd seen in done.

Damion hoped in beside me and i felt like asking him about his teeth but before i could he turned his engine on, the car sounded like a billion Motorbikes starting up at once, he smiled and pushed on the gas and off we went, he turned hard and I Saw Mia in front of us, I closed my eyes and screamed, but a few seconds later I opened my eyes and we were on the road, I looked behind us and saw Mia slowly turn around and watch us, I sit back down and look at my hands, im shaking "do you know Mia" I look up at Damion shocked "do i know Mia" he smiles and looks down at me "yes" I sit on my leg and look at him "how do you know her" That seemed to put him off guard, he didn't answer and I felt bad, I sat back down and went to grab my seat belt "there is no seat belt" he laughs "its hidden in this compartment" he reaches behind me and pushes a button, and out pops a seat belt "wow" I see out of my side view, he glances at me and looks me up and down, it lasts a few seconds and then he looks back at the road "So how do i know i can trust you" i look over to him and see his eyes widen "I'm taking you to the academy but just so you know, dont trust anyone there, you shouldn't even trust me, People like Mia will use your trust against you and tear you down until you rip yourself to shreds mentally and physically" my eyes catch his scars on his shoulders, I feel an urge to touch them but i look away, drawing my eyes away from him.

I could feel warmth all around me, I started freaking out and Damion seemed to realize, he lay his hand on my thigh and pulled over, he turned to face me, I couldn't swallow, he was right there, His face was only inches from mine and I could feel my heart racing, his eyes seemed so deep, his jaw seemed so tight, his face looked as if he was gonna regret his next decision, I knew something was hurting him so I leaned back, he seemed shocked, his eyes widened and his face fell, loosening his jaw. I began to feel tears in my eyes, had I done something wrong, but he didn't seem to mind after a while, he grabbed my hand and I looked at him "we haven't properly introduced ourselves, the names Damion, no second name sorry" He laughed and I smiled, he was happy, I grabbed hold onto his hand "the names Annabelle but i dont like the name, Call me Shivorn" He smiled and we shook hands "now let me guess, your going to The Academy" I laughed and nodded "indeed, are you a student there" he started the car and looked at me "im a year 13, one year older then you" He laughed and revd his engine pushing on the accelerator and off we went.


Thank you, I hope you all enjoy this first chapter of my first ever book. I have a few draft chapters and trust me, you may want to keep reading.

Later on in the story it gets more heated, so im sorry but the first few chapters may be a bit boring. Sorry <3

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