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Anger was all I could feel, I didn't understand why my Mother and Grandmother would hide such a powerful and great thing from me, I also had anger that Shivorn had found it, she was free here but I had to keep her close, she shouldn't have found this. Shivorn was already too strong and I feared giving her even more power would just take over her, She was a demon for fuck sake. I threw the third lamp across the room, The whole room was messed up, a mirror smashed, three lamps smashed, the bed a mess, and a huge hole in the wall. I was a mess, but in all of this mess I felt a pain in my heart, Sadness grew over me and I realized I had yelled at Shivorn in all my anger, she had done nothing wrong, she had given me something and she didn't hide it.

I ran out of my room, tripping down the stairs as I neared the boys, they both stood up and backed away a little "Hey Jason" I was confused at first but I saw blood on my hands and I was panting. I walked over to the Kitchen and cleaned myself up, taking a big chug of water, I then looked at the boys and realized Shivorn was nowhere to be seen, Panic rushed through me "Where is she" They both looked at each other and finally Alex spoke. "Jason maybe you should go get some rest and leave Shivorn alone" this time anger rose once again "Why, why should I leave my mate alone" I screamed and started storming towards them until I heard the back door open, I slowly turned around and met eyes with a shaking Shivorn, she was naked and her wings were covered in blood. "Eli" she fell to the ground and I quickly rushed over to her. Wrapping her inside my arms.

I placed a panting Shivorn down before I realized a fresh bite on her left arm, A wolf bite, Before I could react I smelt another wolf, the wolf was covered in blood, and shivorns blood. Alex yelled my name and I rushed downstairs to the back door to find, Indeed, Eli standing stark naked, staring at me "It's been a long time brother". I scoffed and took a step closer "What do you want Eli" he laughed and smile his canines at me "It's pretty simple, I want your little slut Shivorn" Alex held me back as I tried to jump at Eli. "What could you possibly want with my mate", "She's a demon Jason, as soon as the fire incident happened I knew for sure she was a demon, I was trying to kill your mate, but instead I found I'm pretty interested in having her as my mate" He laughed and looked straight into my eyes.

"What do you want with me" I turn around to see Shivorn standing there, she was dressed in my grey sweatpants and her black lace-up T-shirt. Fear grew over me and I walked over to her and stood beside her "I want what Jason shouldn't have, you" he laughed but soon stopped as Shivorn walked closer to him. Soon she stood right in front of him, heat was rising all over me, what was she doing. I wanted to protect her but something was stopping me. Eli had a seducing smile on his face, I wanted to rip the wicked smile off his face. I watched as he walked closer and kissed her neck her wings were retracted and her wings seemed to be moving around him, shielding him. I watched as he realized and began to grin, betrayal was all I felt now, the only time Shivorn had protected me with her wings was when she marked me... could she be marking him.

Before I could speak, Shivorn stood backward and I watched as Eli went to kiss her, at this point my wolf wanted to rip his head off. I took a step towards and Shivorn flapped her wings and fast and sharp I watched as her wing met with Eli's neck, blood spilling from his neck as he fell to the ground, he held his neck as I stood there in shock, Shivorn turned around and I watched as tears filled down her cheeks, she looked into my eyes and I expected her to run inside but instead she ran straight into my arms and buried her face in my chest.

Alex cleaned up the body while Damion rang the academy. Shivorn and I sat inside, she was shaking and couldn't drink her hot chocolate. Soon Damion walked in "They think Marissa was behind this because of her hatred towards Shivorn, plus we found another one of those trackers in", "it wasn't a tracker and Marissa had nothing to do with this" we both looked at Shivorn. "What" she laughed and I felt confused "Eli did this by himself, he wanted me to be his bride because he found out about my father and if he put a child in me and I was his wife then he would get half my dads wealth, he also wanted me because I am a demon and he says female demons are very good with their-" I stopped Shivorn and held her close to my stomach, her breathing changed and I had missed this breathing pattern.

Hours went by and Shivorn went to bed while we stayed up thinking, "How could Eli possibly know where we are, the only person who knew was probably Marissa" I knew how Eli knew, we grew up together, we would camp up at this house every year during winter. My mother would always take me, Eli, and Marissa camping, take us away from our fathers, mom said she took us to have fun but I knew she just wanted to get away from men who tried to be in control all the time. "Eli and his father would come for dinner with us once a year, that's probably how he knew" I knew it was a bad lie and I don't know why I didn't just tell them how he knew, but the lie seemed right.

After another few hours of drinking and talking, I headed upstairs into the room, inside all I could hear was the rain hitting the windows and Shivorn's small breaths. I smiled and walked over to her, kissing her forehead, she moved and I smiled. The bathroom was cold but the bath was warm, it soothed my tensed muscles. I thought today was gonna be my last day with Shivorn, I thought my mate would betray me, when Eli walked towards her I was sure she would fall for him, but she didn't. I sighed and lay my head back "I should have more trust in you" I heard a soft laugh as Shivorn stood at the door. I smiled at her and she walked forwards, she had a white grown on, showing half her breasts, she smiled as she caught me smiling, I looked away as my manhood grew harder, when I looked back at her,  the gown was gone and she stood naked in front of me, freshly shaved, curves and all. Watching as her nipples grew hard from the cold I smiled and motioned for her to hop in the bath, she did as told.

She came and sat between my legs, tensing as my manhood touched her back, a small moan escaped her lips and she wiggled further against me. Her beauty dragging me to touch her, instead I wrapped my arms around her and pushed her hard against me. I kissed her neck and moved my hand down towards her right breast, squeezing it gently before pinching her nipple, causing her to gasp and rub against my cock (sorry sudden name change) I moan as her body rubs my pulsing cock. I move my hand further down her body until I reach her pussy, slowly stroking her clit I watch as little whimpers and moans escape her lips. I grab her face and push my lips against hers, moaning as her tongue slides into my mouth, her tongue tries to dominate mine, I stick a finger inside her and immediately she moans and I dominate her tongue.

I thrust hard inside and feel her body move against my finger, closing in around it. I smile and stick another finger in her and thrust into her harder and harder again, making her a moaning mess. I feel her tighten around my fingers "Jason- I'm gonna cum" I smile and push my fingers against her g-spot causing her body to jolt. I loved seeing my mate helpless, I look at her neck and anger rises inside me, Eli's bite, Instantly I change to the other side of her neck and sink my canines deep into her flesh, she moans and then screams, holding onto my hair, pulling as my teeth retract from her neck. Satisfied I lick her neck and realize Shivorn had cummed, I laughed and looked into her eyes, her body was shaking and her eyes were closed "I can't help but cum when my mate keeps making me his" I smiled and kissed her lips.

She turned around and sat on my legs, my cock slightly touching her pussy, she smiled as I tensed "it's been a long time since I last watched you lose yourself to me" she playfully kissed me while rubbing my cock, it jerked in her hands and kissed her lips pushing her to the other side of the bath, "your such a tease my love" I kissed her neck and earned a few soft moans, I couldn't hold back anymore, I needed a condom. Before I could move, she grabbed my face and looked me in the eyes "I went on birth control before we left, I think a day before we left I went on the pill" I smiled, we wouldn't need protection than because werewolf's cant gets the diseases humans can, neither can demons. "Shivorn do you promise me you went on the pill" she laughed, "you said you had to have more trust in me, this is me letting you trust me, now fuck me already" I smiled and moved my cock towards her entrance before pushing hard into her.

It felt so good to be inside her raw once again, her screams and moans were more powerful and her breathing pattern was what made my body push her harder and harder. I thrust harder and harder into her, holding onto the side of the bath as she wrapped her legs around me. Her pussy clenched around me and before I could react she came all over my cock, her juices mixing with the water, I thrust a few more times before shoving myself deep inside her, my cum shooting inside her. Her moans echo around the room, I grab her tit and suck on it, causing her body to keep shaking. "I've waited a long time to be inside you again".

We fucked a few more times before we both felt exhausted, I carried Shivorn to bed and snuggled into her warmth, her body still smelling of sex.

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