Just Breathe

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After the tragic death of her best friend, Remi finds herself diving down the ever consuming rabbit hole of depression.

Just as she is on the brink of killing herself, a voice stops her.

It's her best friend, in ghost form, staring at her with pleading eyes and begging her to just breathe and put the blade down.


"J-Jonah...?" Remi gasps, frozen in utter astonishment as she stares disbelievingly at the boy standing two feet in front of her.

Is she hallucinating? He's been dead for nearly a month. He can't possibly be standing in her bathroom right now!

But then she hears his voice again; sees the way his lips form the words that bounce around in her mind.

"Remi, you need to calm down," he slowly says, hand reaching out in caution. His blue eyes look fearful as they dart between her face and the knife to her throat.

"I-I—" But she cant speak. She can hardly think.

She watches as he takes a step forward.

"It's okay, Rem," he gently tells her. "I know you don't want this—not really. Can you do me a favor?"

She silently nods.

Anything, she thinks.

His blue eyes latch onto hers and the sweet, warm familiarity of them shatters the thick wall behind her eyes. Her lips begin to tremble as he softly speaks.

"Just breathe, okay? I want you to take a breath and put the blade down. I don't want you to die, Rem. I never want you to end up like me."

The second the metallic clatter of the knife falling fills the room, Jonah races forward to capture Remi in his arms.

She cries out a deep sob when she feels his arms wrap around her body. Tears flow down her warm cheeks when she hears his deep, comforting voice murmuring soft, soothing words.

She never thought it would be possible to see him again and for the first time in four weeks, she feels like everything will be okay.

Unfortunately, the moment is broken when she hears heavy pounding at the door.

"Remi! Get your fuckin' ass out of there and make dinner!" her Uncle's slurred, guttural voice tears through the fog.

The moment she blinks her eyes open, her heart sinks at the empty feeling enclosing around her.

Jonah had disappeared.


A / N

I can imagine this story being super emotional yet inspiring in sparking light on the effects of such a troubling mental disorder that many suffer from.

If you choose to use this idea, please let me know. I'd for sure love to read your take on it.

Stay safe x

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