Fixing Limbo

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MC doesn't know she dies until she suddenly appears in a strange room, with strange decorations, in front of a strange man.

Said man being Thanatos, the god of Death.

When he notices her, he's just as confused as she is with her sudden appearance because souls are supposed to automatically get transferred to Limbo for sorting.

Completely annoyed by this mishap, Thanatos tries to transfer her over to Limbo himself but realizes with a start that his magic isn't working. This leaves MC to go on an adventure as Thanatos' shadow to the Underworld, where they find out that Limbo is on a temporary block since there's been a breech.

As they collectively go through the process of fixing the mystery of finding the intruders, what they've stolen, and fixing Limbo so that MC can be at rest, the duo become increasingly closer despite the obvious way they can both easily get under each other's skin.

In the end, what will happen? Will Thanatos be able to let her go? Will MC choose to end her suffering by going to Limbo, or try to live as a ghost to a man she thinks she can love?


Tbh, I can see this as a series. Greek mythology is always so fun to read!

Please leave a comment if you're interested :)

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