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the sacred taking: part two

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You thought you were standing beside me, you were only in my way.

You're wrong if you think that I'll be just like you.

You thought you were there to guide me, you were only in my way.

You're wrong if you think that I'll be just like you.

Just Like You

Three Days Grace

1:06 ────────༓──────────── 3:06

THE ALMOST CATHARTIC HUMMING OF CRICKETS became a nuisance the longer the insects continued to drone on. The coven— aside from Zoe, Misty, and Cordelia— gathered together, full of worry and unease, as they tried to work through their plan. A slight gust of wind from the open parlor window sent a chill down the girls' spines. Madison leaned against the mantle of the lit fireplace, her arms crossed over her middle in frustration.

"I told you, I already have the only plan that we need." She rolled her eyes, her head bobbing to one side as she let out a sigh. "Fiona will be out of our hair in no time." She raised her brows, a slight matter-of-fact shrug guiding the end of her thought. Queenie's tongue clicked in disapproval at the blonde's continued persistence.

"Shit, girl," she groaned, leaning back in her seat. "You couldn't scare her if you walked in there with a white sheet over your head and pretended to be a ghost." The witch crossed her arms over her chest, a light laugh leaving her lips as she smirked. "Full offense intended, by the way. You can't act for shit." Corey shook her head at the interaction, fed up with the back and forth the two girls had reignited. She didn't understand how they still couldn't seem to get along.

"Thanks for your input, Miss Cleo," Madison hummed. Though she was being sarcastic, she couldn't find any real enjoyment in her once favorite past-time; she chalked it up to her lack of a grasp on human emotions. Queenie laughed at the blonde's mild attempt at an insult. She thought, for a moment, that she should be the bigger person and let their squabble go, but she couldn't bring herself to end their banter.

"That the best you got, pixie stick?" Queenie's brows raised at the blonde in a challenging manner. She watched as Madison took in a deep breath, her mouth open in preparation, just to have her flame snuffed out by the older witch that stepped in front of her.

"That's enough," the redhead groaned as she stood between the girls, breaking their line of sight on one another. A smirk crept across Queenie's lips, the corners tugging upwards as she watched the defeat wash over the actress. "Madison," Corey sighed. "You can't just keep saying that you have the best plan and then not explain it." The blonde rolled her eyes, the scoff that left her lips having climbed up from deep within her throat.

"Well, if you'd let me, I'd've explained it already." Madison shook her head as if the answer had been obvious. Her eyes scanned the room, watching the three witches before her who seemed dissatisfied with her chosen answer. After a few moments of silence and judging eyes, she realized that they wanted her to explain, though they hadn't voiced that decision out loud.

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