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the seven wonders: part one

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If I hope & if I pray,

Ooh, it might work out someday.

If I live to see the seven wonders

I'll make a path to the rainbow's end.

I'll never live to match the beauty again.

Seven Wonders — 2018 Remaster

Fleetwood Mac

2:55 ───────────────༓───── 3:39

A SOFT MELODY RANG OUT FROM WITHIN the piano as Corey sat with her head resting against her mother's shoulder. She took in a deep breath, her eyes closed as she wrapped her arm around Madison. She let her hand run up and down the girl's side, finding comfort in the company of her family. She hummed along to the song that her mother sang for the group— Has Anyone Ever Written Anything for You— Madison's favorite.

Misty sat as close as she could, rocking back and forth as her bottom lip slipped between her teeth in excitement. Corey was used to the interest that always circled her mother. Even when she was young, there always seemed to be a crowd that formed around the woman. Over time, Corey developed her own gaggle of groupies.

With Stevie as her mother, she had very quickly learned how to hide in plain sight. The lessons carried invaluable knowledge she would continue to use throughout her lifetime. She looked over at the blonde woman whose gaze was focused on her hands as she sang the ballad, finding comfort in her mother's voice. She could feel Ophelia's paw tap against her knee, a beckoning invitation for attention. Corey dropped her free-hand down to pet the black cat, absentmindedly stroking her fur for a moment as she found herself lost in her mother's voice.

It had been a while since she was this comfortable, surrounded by her family and friends— if she could even call the small coven her friends. Her attention returned to Madison as she watched the blonde focus in on Stevie's face. Madison sat in awe, a different sense of wonder in her eyes than Misty had only moments ago. Stevie's words echoed throughout Corey's mind.

And the rain comes down— there's no pain and there's no doubt. It was easy to say "I believed in you every day." If not for me, then do it for the world.

"What about the Seven Wonders?" Zoe's voice came across the foyer in a whisper.

"I have no doubt she'll pass every one," Cordelia chirped back, her voice just as soft as the other girl's.

So, if not for me, then do it for yourself. If not for me, do it for the world.

Corey leaned her head against Stevie's shoulder as the piano rang out. She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath once again. She felt Madison's arms snake around her waist, pulling the redhead against her small frame tightly. As Madison pressed a soft kiss against Corey's jawline, Stevie kissed the crown of Corey's head.

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"Guided by ancient tradition, witches survive only if united under a strong, singular authority. Every generation needs its leader, the Supreme." The clattering of plates and glasses came to a halt. Cordelia's voice echoing through the dining hall became the only sound in the room.

"No simple test could ever determine the sovereign among us. We rely on the Seven Wonders. Seven acts of magic so advanced, each pushes the boundaries of craft into art." Stevie nodded, standing from her seat at the head of the table.

"Telekinesis. Concilium. Transmutation. Divination. Vitalum Vitalis. Descensum. Pyrokinesis." The headmistress listed off the Seven Wonders, looking from one witch to the next as she spoke.

"The highest honor comes at the greatest price. Death is not uncommon. And danger? Inescapable." The White Witch's eyes landed on her daughter as the words left her mouth, a slight tinge of sorrow within her brown irises.

"Attempting the Seven Wonders can get you killed. But perform them, and you are the next Supreme." Cordelia's voice peaked in excitement.

"Since the beginning of this coven, it has been every outgoing Supreme's duty to identify her successor. Which, Fiona not only neglected to do, she actually tried to kill her successor." Madison's hands shook as they mindlessly found their way to her throat for a moment. Stevie continued to speak, her eyes moving to the Hollywood witch briefly before returning her attention to Corey. "Luckily, the council and the coven were able to come together and identify the next Supreme in Fiona's wake; Corinna Nicks."

"To quote the bible— loosely— When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I understood like a child, I thought like a child. But when I became a woman, I put aside childish things." Cordelia raised her glass, the rest of the coven following in suit as they watched the Headmistress and the White Witch stand together. Both elder witches stared at the next Supreme, fear etched into their faces for a fraction of a second.

"Childhood is over, Corinna. Put aside your fears, your reservations and petty things. Kick ass today." Cordelia tipped her glass in the redhead's direction, her lips curling up in a small smile. Corey could feel Madison's hand on her knee, her attention moving from the show put on before her to land on her counterpart.

"Good luck, Little Bird." Stevie spoke with a smile, her head tilted to the side as she watched her daughter and Madison interact without a care in the world. She knew the redhead would conquer the Seven Wonders, she just hoped the girl wouldn't have to be going through them at such a young age. 

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