She did it again-

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Okay- literally as I posted the tag chapter, she tagged me in another one.


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1. Tell me about your ex.

Don't have one.

2. Drunken story time... GO

Hah jokes on you- I'm not old enough.

3. A secret you haven't told many people.

Uhh- I can't think of anything.

4. A fact about the last person you kissed.

Never kissed anyone.

5. Favorite TV show.

Star vs. The forces of Evil.

6. What your last received text message says.

Hey... We need to talk. (I have weird friends don't worry about it-)

7. What last made you laugh until you cried.

An inside joke between me and my best friend which is-
What Logic don't say don't go.

8. List of Concerts you've attended.

I don't really go to them. And the ones I did go to I can't remember.

9. Your Christmas List.

Christmas isn't here yet, I haven't made one.

10. What you are wearing.

A grey hoodie and grey shorts.

11. Favorite Song.

Eh- I can't pick.

12. How you met the person you fell the hardest for.

Haven't particularly fallen for anyone yet. But I imagine it would be in a strange setting knowing me.

13. Favorite memory of this past summer.

What did I do last summer? I did a lot of hanging out with my best friend and swimming.

14. Craziest thing you've done.

I threatened to scoop someones eyes out with a fork as a joke in public.

15. Jewelry that you are wearing.

Not wearing any.

16. Im not doing it you can't make me-

17. Last awkward situation you were in.

Being in a living room with someone else's 1 year old. I didn't want her to kill herself with the things in the living room so I waited with my laptop up to my chest, as soon as someone walked into the room I took my leave, went into my room and died on my bed and started watching YouTube videos.
(I hate toddlers and babies- I just don't know what to do with them. So I avoid them as much as possible.)

18. Quote you live by.

"Be weird.." Said by me. (Or maybe someone else idk.)

19. A story about you and your best friend.

Hm... Which one? I took her to a 4th of July celebration, and we ran into my old friends. (That was also awkward.)

20. Opinion of age difference in a relationship.

I don't care unless it is pedophilia, I will not stand for that.

21. A gif that describes how you are feeling right now.


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22. Lyrics to your favorite song.

I have so many favorites so-

23. Ever been cheated on?

No, never had a significant other.

24. Opinion in cheating.

It is just wrong, because it proves that you used the significant other that you cheated on for your own gain.

25. Last picture you took.


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26. How many followers do you have?

I have five followers right now.

27. First Ten songs to play on your shuffle.

1. Down in New Orleans- The Princess and the Frog.
2. The Greatest Show- Panic! At the disco
3. The Great Deception- PsoGnar
4. Bang!- AJR
5. Dreams- Phil Beaudreau
6. I Can't Fix you- The Living Tombstone.
7. Sunlight- TheFatRat
8. Five Nights At Freddy's, pt. 2- SayMaxWell
9. Karma- AJR
10. Paparazzi- Lady Gaga.

(I have no regrets-)

28. Best friend on Tumblr.

I don't have friends on Tumblr-

29. Cutest thing anyone has done for you.

Idk- I guess when I got my dog- I love him a lot.

30. Most traumatic experience.

Sitting down during 2020 and thinking about the world falling apart around me, and feeling powerless to help the ones around me.

Alright, I'm done. Peace!

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