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 see i am a sixteen year old girl that can see the truth and my light has been already going out from the coldness of my life and i am scared of becoming one of the soulless clones and if i don’t do anything i will actually become one of them and so i have decided that this is it I’m going to change the world I’m am not losing my soul, my heart or my gift. one morning i was in the coffee shop and i felt this presence that felt different, not like anyone i have known and it feels like a male i slowly turn my head slightly towards the counter and this man covered in blood and mud and he looks pretty bad and so i get out of my booth and walk up behind him and put my hand on his back gently trying not to hurt this poor man when my hand touched him he turned around and grabbed my arm with amazing force that it actually looked like it would have hurt if i had any feeling  in my body. When he looked into my eyes i fell into a frozen state and i felt my eyes trying to close and after a few moments of fighting everything went black like i had passed out....

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