His sibling

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Did Jun just asked me out by telling me that we should hike together?!




"Yeah, for sure, I love hiking!" I replied. My heart beat so loudly I thought he could hear it.

 This was too much for my heart to control. My brain released a waterfall of endorphins. Though I have never been high before, I thought this was how it would feel like. 

I was high because of him. 

Then, for my grand finale, I offered him the string cheese I brought. "OMG! I love string cheese! How did you know? We have so much in common!" he said. He smiled so widely at me that I thought I was going to pass out.

I was so proud of myself. I had gotten closer to the guy I liked; what could possibly go wrong now?

As I was enjoying this amazing feeling of accomplishing my first step in becoming his future wife, a Hispanic guy walked into the CCC. This guy had a "visitor pass" on his chest. 

My brain, processing slower because of the earlier endorphins waterfall, made assumptions of who he was as Jun stood up, hugged him, and kissed his cheek.

Might be a brother. Wait, Jun is Asian and this guy is Hispanic. Adopted siblings, maybe?




Who is this guy? is he really the sibling? why haven't she found that out from her "research"? Sorry if this part is short, the next part is the climax and the ending so I need to keep it a secret for everyone;)

Thanks for reading!

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