Love story

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Chapter 1
In the mans nest
Bose:hey chapa you look nice today
Chapa: hey do you want your teeth in shreds
Bose:umm no but I wanted to tell you something
Chapa:hold on Bose Mika wants to tell me something
Bose:ok I tell you later
Chapa:so Mika what did you wanted
Mika:oh well me and Ray are trying to find a good fight
Ray:sorry chapa but can you zap it on
Chapa:do you want your eyeballs zapped out
Chapa:ok fine
Mika:hey miles why are just sitting on the couch
Miles:my universe will provide I don't really have to do anything
Mika:ok then
Chapa:ok I'm going
Mika:going were
Chapa:you don't need to know we're I go
                   (Chapa in S.W.A.G)
Chapa:Bose what are you doing
Bose:oh it's just nothing but hey chapa you nice but when you want to be
Chapa:well yeah I'm only mean and cruel when people tick me off
Bose:chapa can I tell you something
Chapa:yeah what is it
Bose:do you have a crush on someone
Chapa:well I do actually
Bose:well who is it
Chapa:you don't need to know
                 (All in mans nest)
Mika:I found a Mission with.... oh no
Chapa:ray that is getting old
Mika:anyway but we have a Mission WITH the toddler
Miles:ok nice
               (With the toddler)
Chapa:ok lets melt his face and go
Mika:No let's not do that
Chapa:but it would be funny tho
Toddler:(using his spitting toy on chapa)
Chapa:ok that just stupid
(Chapa zapping the toddler across the room)
Chapa:ok lets go
Miles:let I guess my universe provided today
                        (In S.W.A.G)
Mika:ok today is done but chapa why were you weird today
Chapa:ok I will tell you I have a crush on someone
Chapa: I will tell you it is Bose
Mika:ok but wow but why
Chapa:love him because (breathes out) why because he is funny and cute and weird but a cute weird
Mika:wow that is some great reasons
Bose:hey chapa I really have something to tell you
Chapa:ok fine you can tell me
Bose: chapa I Love you
Chapa:and Bose I have something to tell you
Chapa:I Love you too Bose
Bose:I've been writing this all day

Chapa:I love it so much
Bose:I'm happy hey chapa do you wanna go out with me tomorrow
Chapa:yessss Bose

Fundava0:Hey guys I hope y'all loved the love story and I can't wait to make y'all happy in the future and more awesome Aventures🥰😜

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