The cycles.

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I watch the cycle of hatred continue People die, those whose family are left behind kill out of hate and revenge, and it continues on And then there's this cycle of kindness. Sometimes barely visible. Imperceptible. But it perseveres. A rare few who have been hurt decide that they should be there for others so that others never reach this low they have felt and seen. That is the cycle of kindness. One day I hope I see the cycle of kindness stronger than that of hate. Don't you?

There is never going to be a time of perfect peace.. But I live for the day we get damn close.

A/n: hey guys. Sorry i haven't updated in a while. This particular paragraph my friend wrought. I enjoyed it. Hope you did to. Leave a like. And comment something to wright a some about. Or even a paragraph. Thanks lovelys!!! -blu.

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