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We walked the streets of Hongdae to look for someplace to eat dinner. I'll be treating this suprisingly sullen person because, recap: he failed his finals.

Although this is better than having a pity party with me as the recepient. Yeah... besides, first times are exciting!

First time to see Yoongi this defeated.

This guy.

I've been walking behind him, observing him and seriously! He's head is hung low, he's slouching and he keeps sighing.

Though I do get the gist of comforting someone, I just don't know about Yoongi. He's always been indifferent and well... really savvy.

"Hey, Yoongs. Do you have any particular cravings? My treat!"

"Or is it bribery to not mention you crying earlier ever again?"


I think a blood vessel of mine just popped. If I could just strangle this dude.

"Then... Yoongi, you better take it while I'm being nice." I said with an irritated smile. He glanced at me before nodding.

"Treat me to takoyaki then."

We headed to a nearby stall and waited as the takoyaki in front of us was being cooked.

"Did you... study hard?"

Jisoo, what are you doing?! Of course he did! That's why he's so disappointed. Oh my god, you insensitive lump of flesh and bones that you call a human!

He glared at me before sighing.

"I did, and don't push yourself. I'll be fine."

I bit my lip in hesitation. I can't just treat him and leave him be. Even if he tells me to. That's not what a friend does or at least a proper human being.

Let's see...

The girls would always hug me to comfort me and the guys would always pat my back or my head which I want to incinerate them for. Taehyung...

Well he clings on to me until I feel better. I don't know how any of that will work with Yoongi.

I guess... I'll just stay with him for a while.

We took our orders as soon as it finished and Yoongi already went ahead while I waited for my change.

I quickly ran after him while I bit into a piece.

"Thank you for the food." He said and blew into it. I nodded while I enjoyed mine. It's so delicious, especially when it's so hot!

Ahh, the flavours are just so pleasant. My taste buds sure feels happy.

I opened my eyes to see him looking at me in awe.

"What?" I asked, with a half full mouth.

"You look like you craved for this even more than I did." He said with a "you're unbelievable" snort.

I smiled instead of shooting back a whine.

He shook his head before proceeding to eat a piece whole.

We walked around more while I shop from time to time when an item catches my eye. Yoongi would criticize my taste from time to time which I'm glad because he's dead right.

"Do you want to have dinner?" He asked looking away. I looked at my watch and damn. It's already 8:30?

"Sure, where should we eat? My treat--"

"You're too nice tonight, did the scene earlier caused you to lose a few screws or what?"

I pulled his ear and ignored his whinings. Can't he take my kindness and shut up?! Why does he keep going back to 2 hours earlier!!

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