2. The castle

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The girl and I were both silent as we walked through the woods. I glanced a couple of times in her direction. Curious about how much she knew about me, but nothing about her facial expressions gave me a clue. After what felt like 30 minutes I gave up. After another 30 minutes walking she suddenly stopped.

"Welcome home!" She said.

I gasped when I saw what she was pointing at. What she referred as home, was actually a three stories castle.

"This is your home?"

She chuckled softly. "Yes it is. And if you don't mind I'd like to get inside, because it's freezing out here."

After she said this I noticed I was freezing too, so I followed the girl to the front door. The minute I stepped inside I was overwhelmed by all the riches. And I realized this was only the corridor! The girl didn't gave me much time to admire everything. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into a small cheerful colored room. The only furniture in it were a comfortable looking sofa, a glass coffee table and a fireplace. She sat down and glanced up to me.

"You can sit down if you like." She said.

I smiled at her and sat down.

"You want anything to drink?”

"No thank you I'm good." I replied.

She rang a bell and in a few seconds there was a butler standing in the room. She ordered herself a glass of water. She asked me again if I wanted something, but I rejected the offer. We sat in silence for a few minutes. When the butler brought the girl her drink she finally spoke up.

"You must be very curious about who I am." I nodded. "my name is Katharina delour, but you can call me kat. I know about your kind because my dad told me story's about you when I was a little girl." I sighed. Well that solved that.

We talked for a few more hours. I was starting to like her. She was really nice and we had a few good laughs. When it was getting dark she showed me my room. I had never ever in my life seen such an luxurious bedroom. The floor was covered with a big pink carpet. There was a big wooden closet, and a huge mirror where I could see my entire body in. The bed sheets were a beautiful brown color, and it seemed like I was going to sleep in a golden bed. I couldn't believe this was really happening. I lay down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. It seemed everything was going to be better know.



When I showed Ravena her room I went to the basement. How in earth could a nice girl like her be a monster? I started to have doubts of my decision.

I opened the big wooden door and made sure to lock it when I got in. I walked down the stone stairs and directly made my way to one room. For a minute I stared at the creature I locked in it. I didn't see it move once. I grabbed a stick and began banging on the bars with it. "Hey you there sleepy head. It's time to wake up!" The creature turned around and two yellow eyes were staring at me. "If you want Ravena to live you are going to do exactly as I say."


So guys what do you think is going on here?

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