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What Cress could remember from Jacin and Winter's arrival is that her head hurt all the way through. Now she was certain that Kai really did have a metal arm in his bag.

Of course, Cress did not blame him for tossing the suitcase on her, there was no way he could have known that she was under the towels. Cress did blame Thorne though. She literally asked him if he could help her, and all he said, "In a minute. I have to go claim my seat." What kind of boyfriend was that?

Cress sighed and settled back on the seats, waiting for everyone to get in. She could hear a podship landing. It was probably Jacin and Winter. Cress closed her eyes. She could hear her friends greeting them, walking to the ship, throwing their bags in the trunk.

Scarlet, Iko and Cinder all left to grab their stuff from the house, and Thorne, Wolf, and Kai went back to the other podship to make sure they had not forgotten anything.

Cress inwardly groaned. She would probably have to sit next to Thorne. Well, she could grill him about fulfilling his girlfriend's pleas for help before covering them with a towel. That would show him.

Someone climbed in the ship, and Cress could tell it was a girl, because the sweet scent of their perfume filled the air. Winter's dreamy voice whined, "Do we have to go in another podship? I am so tired of flying. Our flight was so bumpy, I could have sworn we were flying on the ground."

Cress could feel the weight of another person enter the ship. She guessed it was Jacin, who was never away from Winter's side for long. She was right.

His voice snapped, "I'm sorry our flight wasn't exactly pleasant, princess. The weather was not what I had planned. Maybe next time you'll find a better pilot." Jacin flopped down in the row in front of Cress, his arms crossed.

Cress opened an eye, curious. Jacin usually seemed so calm towards Winter, so sweet, the way he spoke to her. And by the way Winter went on and on about Jacin, Cress would have thought he was made-up, Winter had described him as "the most wonderful boyfriend I could ask for". But no, the two lovers were glaring at each other before Winter huffed and climbed in next to Cress, muttering, "Maybe I will."

Cress was momentarily disappointed; she had worked out an entire speech for Thorne. But she loved Winter too. She always made Cress feel happy. But this time, the ex-princess only curled up in her seat and looked out the window, humming a tune.

Cress noticed Jacin staring at his girlfriend with a hurt look on his face. He glanced at Cress once before climbing into the seat in front of her. She leaned closer, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you two okay?" She mouthed. Jacin smirked, saying quite loudly, "You saw it all. Winter thinks I am an incompetent pilot."

Cress was taken back by the sharpness of his tone. She nodded. Jacin glanced at Winter again, but she was still curled in the corner, mumbling the words to a song.

Jacin tapped her on the shoulder. "I'm sorry Cress. It's just that we've been fighting more recently. I think all this tension has gotten to me." Cress nodded again, leaning back on seats. Jacin continued to stare at Winter, his blue eyes filled with sadness.

Cress placed a hand on his shoulder. "It will be alright; all couples go through this. I mean, look at Thorne and I. We have had our fights, but we are still together. Just today, he left me in the trunk of a podship, and Kai threw a suitcase on me. But I still love Thorne."

Jacin rolled his eyes. "You're going to yell at Thorne the next time you see him, aren't you?"

Cress pursed her lips. "Yes, but that's not the point."

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