Chapter 1: Want This For Us

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I'm so excited to announce that Invincible Invisible is now a traditionally published book!! You can read the first two chapters here but you can get the rest of the book on Amazon!!
Thank you for all of your support! I couldn't believe my dream to publish a book was achived!

Darla H

Wren looked at the map on the metro wall in front of her as a smile came to her lips, knowing exactly where she was going today. She fished the metro card out of her deep pocket, then scanned it through the machine to get to her next destination.

She walked casually down the stairs to get to the train. Looking at nothing in particular, the memories from today hit her like a brick wall. A frown crossed her face as she stopped, taking time to forces the memories out of her mind although they wandered back in like a stray dog.

"Wren, it doesn't look good," Doctor Gong said as he walked into the small room she was sitting in.

Wren frowned at him, not liking his tone. She grew up with him going to her birthday parties; she was not used to seeing him in a doctor's coat. In fact, she was not used to seeing him at all these past few years, not since her father and him got into a heated fight about things that Wren didn't understand. "Ok."

He took a seat in front of her and sighed as he tried to work up the nerve to tell her what he saw on the scans. "We can start treatments, but at this point, I'm not sure if it'll even work. I think it'll just make you suffer while only giving you a few extra months. We caught this too late Wren," he said, sadness in his eyes. He was used to explaining difficult news, but this had to be one of the hardest meetings he had in his 15 years of practicing.

Wren nodded. Of course, this would happen to her as if her life wasn't hard enough. "How long do you give me?" she asked as she kept her stone face from moving. She was good at keeping her emotions together. Ever since her parents split, she had tons of practice holding back tears and pretending that nothing bothered her.

Silently, he looked at the charts in his hands again. "Six months, maybe seven before it cripples you completely."

Wren sighed as she stood up from the chair she was sitting in, not seeing any more sense in waiting here. She found out what she needed to, and it was time to move on with her life. "Ok. Thank you."

He nodded as he put his hand on her shoulder. "And are you sure you don't want me to tell your parents myself?"

Wren forced a smile at him. She had no intention of telling her parents at all, but he would never know that. Her father was too drunk most of the time to pay attention to her words, and her mother was constantly working. Neither of them would care that she was dying, that much she was convinced of. "No thank you. I'll tell them."

He nodded, knowing that they wouldn't want to hear anything from him anyhow. "Ok. Since your dad and I were so close, I'll keep on looking for better treatments. I'll call you if I find anything."

Knowing her luck, though, nothing would come her way. Her family was cursed, at least that was what her father said and he convinced her that nothing of good would happen to them. This was just another nail in the coffin, another log to the fire, they were cursed and there wasn't anything that could make it better. "Thank you," Wren said as she slipped on her light coat, ready to leave.

"Stay strong for me," he said before she slipped out of the room, allowing her to collect her things in peace, then leave.

Breaking her out, her thoughts were on the train that came screeching past her. The old beat up silver metro train opened its doors and she walking into it silently, paying attention to the surrounding people.

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