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*Eddies POV

" 'Ichie, did that kiss m-mean anything to you?" "No, not really I'm sorry Eddie..." I blink a couple of times until I finally grab back onto Mike and start to walk.

My heart shattered when he said that, I had drunk a lot less than Beverly and Stanley, so I wasn't as crazy as they were. "I'm sorry Eddie." I look at Mike as he shared a sorry look towards me. "Thanks, Mikey."

We got back to the car and waved Richie goodbye, I lay in the back wishing I never kissed Richie. I hold my phone against my chest, quickly realizing I wanted to text him.

I instantly regret it

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I instantly regret it. I met him earlier today I shouldn't have caught 'feelings'.

We soon get home and help everyone get into the house. I lay down in my room, staring at the dark ceiling. I want to FaceTime Richie, but he would most likely asleep.

I look back at the messages still wanting them to disappear...I wanted to disappear into... I don't know.

I don't want to talk to Richie but at the same time, I do. My brain fills with hues of grey and my breathing slows as I drift to sleep. Tears running down my cheeks.

*The next morning*
Waking up I hear people talking in the living room. I get up and sit on the couch for a bit, not wanting to look at my phone. Knowing if I do I will pull up the messages I looked at last night.

Everyone soon wakes up groggy (especially Beverly and Stanley). We all relax in our pajamas, watching TV. Stanley put Bill's arm around him as he lays on his lap, scrunched up in a ball.

Stanley isn't a really cuddly person but when it comes to Bill it's him or no one at all.

Beverly lays her head on Ben's shoulder as she drinks coffee. The smell making the whole house smell nice. Lastly, I on the couch and a Mike in a personal-sized chair.

"Coming up on Derry news; Another robbery last night, people on the scene again could not describe the perp but some people suspect it was the Derry criminal. Sadly, one person hurt. In critical condition. Hopefully, they will recover. I'm your news reporter and we'll be right back."

"You know who k-kind of matches the d-description?" I know what Bill is gonna say but I don't hear it. I find myself up and into the bathroom.

*Mikes POV
"You think it's Richie don't you?" Bill agrees, realizing we've been thinking the same thing. Except for Ben. He loves Richie now. He would never think bad about anyone.

"Last night Eddie asked Richie if the two kisses meant something. He said no, so I don't think we should talk about him in front of Eddie." Everyone looks around wondering how I knew so much but then nodded or said okay.

*Eddies POV
I walk into the bathroom.


My breathing quickening as I slide onto the bathroom floor. Looking up to see a very tired Beverly.

"I'm sorry hun I know what happened last night." She sits beside me, cradling my head in her arms.

"I don't understand Beverly. He seemed like he was interested but apparently not." I sniffle as I cling onto her. Running her fingers through my hair.

"How about we go into town and go shopping again? Will that make you feel better?" She wipes the tears off my face as I nod.

"Let's go in about an hour, you take a shower and get ready. I'll get ready after you okay?"

Beverly is basically the mom I've always wanted, even though we were almost the same age. I love her so much.

His Unusual Love Interest (rewritten) // Reddie Where stories live. Discover now