[xxi] Nightmare !!

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Meanwhile when you were reading the sad incident and tearing up , jungkook kept a serious look and kept on reading the do's and dont's of the procedure.

Jk's POV:

Before a person even thinks about this , one has to be ready to face anything, like even risk their own lives .

What?? Oh my god

This procedure is for bringing back the immortal soul back into the mortal body , it is only possible if he/she had undergone an illegal death , and it must not be a suicide. It may be an accident or an undeserved encounter.

The person who is willing to take a step forward must enter the immortal world . It is difficult because it is only meant for the souls. When a person enters , he/she can only come back alive when they succeed in their aim , or else they would die and live in the same world as a soul.

This is really dangerous .

For a human who has to be granted entry to the immortal world , he/she must pray in form of meditation . The meditation may prolong as long as 7 hours or even 7 weeks , depends on how strong is the desire to enter the world . The entry is possible for only one human in one month . The meditation must start on the night of full moon . If there are many people trying to enter , the person with the strongest desire will succeed and all others wouldn't be able to enter the immortal world even if they try next time . So , it means a person has only one chance .

Once the meditation has started, it shouldn't be disturbed by any means till they recieve the entry.

The one who has been granted the entry , would have to follow the rules very strictly . The rules and regulations of it are not known to anyone , even the person who has entered will lose their memory of it once they exit with victory .

The other details will be mentioned by the certified member who is popularly known as Dr.Lee .

Woahh!! This is not so easy

I've finished reading it , but I've no idea about the immortal world . This is making me anxious, and also worried about Y/n if she could make it or not. Gosh! Hope she will succeed.

Jk: Y/....
Oh shit she is sleeping, did I wake her up?

I went close to her and checked ,to find that she was sound asleep. I was happy that she didn't cry anymore. She is really left with a big responsibility .

I switched off the lights and went to sleep , but the thought of Y/n facing the danger that if she loses , she won't be able to come back alive was not leaving my head. I was extremely scared and worried. I was thinking why can't I go instead of her , but I remembered that Dr. Lee had told that only the person who V chooses will be able to save him . So its only Y/n.

The thought of the entry haunts me more . If Y/n's desire is not the strongest, then she won't be able to enter now and never .... meaning we will never get V back ? Shit no .... this can't happen....I'll do my best , help Y/n to gain the entry. After that it's all upon Y/n .

I saw the time and it was too late . I was in deep thoughts and slowly felt my eyes getting closed on it's own.

After 30 mins .
I was in deep sleep until I heard some weird sounds ? Or mumbles? .
I opened my eyes to figure out Y/n crying and speaking something with her eyes still closed .
Y/n: V....V....no....tjihnxhjnbbjj....hfghhn..

Maybe she was having a nightmare . She was continuously calling out V's name , and also something else which I wasn't able to understand .
I stood up and went near the bed on which she was sleeping, and tried walking her up .

Jk: Y/n ..Y/n...wake up...

She was still crying and mumbling something . Her expressions were filled with fear. I shaked her a bit and yelled her name many times.

Y/n's POV:
Where am I? It was fully black , as if I've turned blind . I slowly rubbed my eyes twice and thrice and now could see a guy fallen on the ground. But I couldn't see anything properly , it was blur . I rubbed my eyes again and again and looked at the body again. It was V .... tears started flowing down my eyes unintentionally. It was uncontrollable to see a whole stream of blood around him and his eyes were half closed .

Y/n: V ....V ... no...w..what's wrong with you??? Please speak ...

V: I've something to tell you. I really l..love ..yo...you a l..lot and ...I'll lo..love you forever and e..ever , no matter what

He gave a small pause and I witnessed the horrible thing now , he was coughing blood , but he still continued speaking .

No matter what... even if I'm not a..alive . I'll always be w..with you.

I could make out how hard he was trying to speak . His half open eyes were enough to explain infinite love .

I was left with the most haunted sight of him speaking no more . His eyes no more shining like before . His hand with no more strength to hold my hand. It was totally me who was holding his .

This sight never left me. I was still staring at him with unbelievable eyes , until everything blacked out.

Now I could feel someone trying to wake me up.

I slowly opened my eyes , it was filled with tears and I couldn't see anything properly. I thought those thoughts were slightly fading away but now , it's fresh again . I cried a bit more louder .
Jk hugged me tightly and told ...

Jk: don't worry Y/n . It's just a nightmare . Calm down.

He tried consoling me for a very long time, but it didn't help , tears were flowing unendingly...

~To be continued...

Hello readers ,I'm really sorry for publishing so late. I was hooked up with some things and had no time . So please stay patient and keep supporting. I'll surely upload whatever it takes so please don't lose your hopes , it may take a long time sometimes.
But I'm trying my level best to upload asap.
I'll be updating atleast 2 more shortly to compensate the long term gap ...so stay tuned. Do vote , comment your views and share it with your dear friends and family.

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