Chapter 5

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"Here we are." Kaiden said as we walked up to a long stream.

"It's so pretty!" I gasped. The stream was sparkling and clear, and you could see little fish swimming about in it, just minding their own business.

Kaiden laughed. "You sound like my sister."

"The flower I'm looking for isn't here though," I said, disappointment leaking into my voice.

"Maybe you just have to give it a bit of time," Kaiden said.

"Maybe." I agreed, even though I didn't believe it.

"So, why are you looking for an Angel Dew?" Kaiden asked me.

I turned around so fast I almost tripped. "Why do you think I'm looking for an Angel Dew?" I asked as I regained my balance.

"One, your reaction just now gave it away, two: rare flower, in the mountains, by a stream. An Angel Dew is the only thing that fits that description."

I glared at Kaiden for a moment before tucking a stray piece of brown hair behind my ear and saying, "Fine, if you must know, yes, I am looking for an Angel Dew."

"Why?" Kaiden asked.

"Do you even know what an Angel Dew does?" I asked Kaiden.

"No," he told me.

"Then how do you know where it grows and all?"

"I have a book about different flowers in the mountains, but the second page about the Angel Dew was ripped out."

"Who ripped it out?"

"I dunno, it was used when I got it, so probably the original owner."

"I wonder why they would do that."

"Me too, but you're stalling. What does an Angel Dew do?"

I glared at Kaiden before answering, "It can heal anything."

"Okay..." Kaiden said though I could tell that he was still confused. "Isn't that what we have Fauls for though?"

I sighed. "Yes, Fauls, the magical water cures all cuts, bruises, burns, and most diseases given enough time, but an Angel Dew cures the things that Fauls can't cure. The life-threatening diseases and disorders and things like that."

"Oh," was all Kaiden seemed to be able to come up with.

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