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No one talks about how suffocating it can be to come from a rich and well-known family, they only talk about how you all the money and power in the world. They say you cannot have any problems because you have everything you could ever want in the world.

I am here to squash all of that. I love my family, don't get me wrong. However, I can't stand all the preppy shit, or the looks of envy and hatred look you get when walking about or just trying to live your life. I hate that you always have to look your best and you can't make one single mistake, or it could ruin your reputation and the family name.

If only my parents knew what I did behind their backs. They would disown me, tell me how disappointed they were, how I should be just like my brother and twin sister. They would want nothing to do with me because in their eyes I could ruin everything they build if it ever got out about the things I hide in the dark.

And that's exactly the thing I am doing now, doing one of the many things that would get me kicked out and banished from my family. Fighting. Street fighting to be exact.

"GET OUT OF YOU'RE HEAD KID!" I hear my couch scream as a first comes flying at my face.

Grabbing the girl's wrist quickly, I push forward listening to the sound of her arm dislocating from the force of my twisting her arm behind her back. I pin her arm, wrapping my free forearm around her neck. Her hand that isn't locked behind her back tries to pry my grip from around her neck so that she could breathe. However, it is useless. I'm five times stronger than her weak looking body. I imagine that she's only around a hundred or so pounds.

I kick the back of the girl's knee making her buckle and loss balance. Her slapping and fighting begins to slow down as I close her access to air. I hear a faint sound of a bell and cheering. Arms grab me pulling me off of the poor girl, I watch her fall coughing, trying to catch all the air she lost from her lungs.

"WE HAVE A WINNER!" The announcer yells into the microphone from atop of the booth in the far-left corner of the side street.

"Good job kid, but you could have gone without almost knocking her out" Levi slaps my back as I walk off to the sidewalk heading for my water bottle next to my gym bag.

"She's too inexperienced to be fighting here Levi."

"If I remember right, I believe that you were in her position at one point." Levi crosses his arms giving me a pointed look, I just roll my eyes at him.

"Just give me the money I won on Friday; I need to get home" I respond after drowning myself in water. Levi doesn't respond only nods and goes back to watching the fight between two body builder looking guys.

I grab my bag off the ground stuffing my now empty water bottle in the side pocket. I start pushing through the crowd while pulling my phone out of the main pocket in the bag. Swiping open with my passcode I look through all of my notifications. Multiple missed calls from my best friend and a few texts from my brother and sister asking where I'm at. Some other notifications from my social media.

Choosing to ignore all the messages I shut off my phone continuing to push through the crowd until it thinned into nothing. I watch a few blocks away from the alley before stopping and calling a cab. I give the driver my address and sit back in the seat starring out the window.

The cab pulls up the long driveway that leads to a big white and tan colored mansion. Once stopped I had over money to the driver and climb out. With a heavy sigh I slowly walk up the double doors of the house, there was a thanksgiving themed door decoration. I grab the nob twisting it and pushing forwards. Not ever stepping one foot into the house, I hear the voice of my lovely mother.

"Ava dear, is that you?"

"Yes mom, it's me" I call out closing the door and walking into the dining room of the right of the giant staircase in the middle of the entry way.

"You're late" She stops setting the table to look at me with a disappointing look.

Looking done at my dirty tennis shoes "Time must have gotten away from me" I cross my arms over my body, "It won't happen again, promise" Looking back up she's giving me a pointed look.

"I'll believe that when I see it happen Ava. You always use that excuse." I watch her going back to setting the table, "Go upstairs and get ready for dinner, everyone will be here any minute now."

I nod and start out of the dining room and up the stairs to the second floor of the house. "And take a quick shower, you smell like a sewer"

Without giving her an answer, I walk down the hall to the last door on the right. I enter my room throwing my bag on the bed. Heading into my personal bathroom I turn the shower on hot and start taking my clothes off. I quickly shower and pick out a nice form fitting knee length dress. I brush and blow dry my hair, adding little makeup. Grabbing the dress off the hook hanging on my closet door, I slip into it.

Looking into the mirror I see a completely different person then I was just an hour ago. This wasn't who I was on the inside, this was only the perception that I let people see on the outside. Finally, I slip on matching four-inch heels and head downstairs.

Entering the living room, I see a bunch of my parents' coworkers and work partners walking around talking as if they were all friends. Most of these people did not like one another, they only pretended just like I'm doing. I don't like any of them -snakes, all of them are.

"Ava dear" I hear my mother's sweet voice from across the room. She was seated on the couch with a few board members that I have known my whole life. Walking towards them, I give a fake smile.


And here I present chapter one of the rewritten version. Hope you all enjoy;)

The Gang-Leader's Street-Fighter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now