Chapter 2

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My parents continue to speak with the Gray's as I stand off the side smiling and laughing when something was directed at me. Everyone in a while I try to seek a peak at the boy, Lucas but he was already looking right at me. 

"Ava dear" My mother catches my attention "Why don't you give Lucas here a tour of the house so you both don't have to listen to this boring business talk."

"Sure" I nod and motion to Lucas for him to fall me "Well as you can see this is the living room, the kitchen is right across the entrance hall and attached is the dining room where we have dinner." 

I don't look back to see if he's paying attention or not as I continue showing the main floor. 

"This is our movie room, and the door next to it is the game room."

"How fancy" I finally hear his deep voice speak; it could make any girl weak at the knees.

"Yes, it is very fancy" I nod looking back him for a moment to see that he's already looking right at me with his dark grey eyes. There was not a single expression plastered on his beautiful face "Up here" I point up the stairs "Is the upper floor, not much to really see."

"Would you show me many ways? I don't know about you, but I would like to stay as far away from the party as I possibly can."

"Okay" I trail off beginning the walk up the stairs.

We walk down the empty hall until I take a right turn to where all of the doors lead to what rooms that were up here. "Well, these first two doors are my father and mother's office. This door right here leads to the library" I motion to the door across the hall.

"May I see it?" he asks walking towards the cream-colored door with a plaque that says library.

"Well, I don't see why not, but there isn't much to see."

"A library holds a world of knowledge that we will never full get to understand or read" I look at him puzzled by his words.

"Do you enjoy reading?"

"I do, it's an escape from reality."

I take a seat on the modern style light grey couch while Lucas looks around at all the dusty books on the many shelves positioned perfectly throughout the room. My mother was very well known for her OCD and idea of perfection. I remember when I was a kid I used to hide in here when my siblings and I played hide and seek, no one ever did find me. They usually gave up after looking for only a few minutes and I would sit in the corner for hours until the house keep would find me.

"No one in my family really comes in here, only in high school did my brother use this place to study." I break the suffocating silence.

"I spent a lot of time in my families own library up until recently" Finally Lucas turned towards me with a hit of a smile on his lips.

"Never cared much for books, I used this place to hide during parties or whatever because it wasn't as easy to find as my room." Lucas takes a seat next to me on the couch, we go back to sitting in silence until the door begins to open.

I jump up quickly as I see my twin sister enter the room, she looks around until her eyes land on Lucas and I in the far-left corner of the room.

"Dinner is being served in just a minute. Mom wanted me to come find you two." Her eyes slowly drift over to Lucas as he begins to stand to his full height. It was as if a switch slipped in her brain "There's an open seat next to me at the table" She smiles widely and bats her lashes at him.

He only nods and follows her out of the room, I roll my eyes still standing in the same spot. Amelia was going to flirt her way into his bed tonight that was for sure, and it would happen. She always got the guys she wanted. I always believed she was the prettier twin and the better choice. Growing up she was also the girly girl my mom wanted and what guys craved.

I never had a boyfriend, they always dropped me after meeting my sister. Soon after she would drop them to be with another guy.

"Are you coming Flower?" I look up to see Lucas staring at me. Did he just give me a nickname?

"Yes" I follow behind "And don't call me that" I mutter walking side by side this his long strides towards the stairs.

"Why not? Flower" He speaking as we walk down the long stairs.

"Because a flower is innocent and delicate." I stop at the bottom of the staircase and look directly into his grey eyes

"Is that not what you are?" He takes a step closer "Innocent and delicate" Another step closer, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

Putting on a stern glare, "You have no idea how wrong you are" 

With that threat lingering in the air, I walk away and into the dining room where people are taking their seats for the thanksgiving feast that my parents had kitchen staff prepare. I take a seat between my brother and sister waiting for dinner to start. 

I watch closely as Lucas enters a bit after I do, and my sister beckons him to sit on the opposite side of her. Dinner goes smoothly as my parents thank everyone for coming and all the other BS they talk about.

Finally, we the night comes to an end and we as the happy family we are say goodbye to everyone. As the staff cleans up the house, we say goodnight to one another head to our respected rooms.

I pull the dress off of my body and grab soft pajamas, crawling into bed. Placing my phone on the charge cord I close my eyes after the long day that I had. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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